Nicegui Versions Save

Create web-based user interfaces with Python. The nice way.


4 months ago


  • Add missing docutils module for ui.restructured_text (#2624, #2629 by @sswatson, @rodja)


4 months ago

New features and enhancements


  • Fix binding removal for non-hashable objects (#2540, #2544 by @kleynjan, @falkoschindler)
  • Fix order of removing elements when client disconnects (#2589, #2603 by @Johannes-)
  • Fix RecursionError when deleting ui.leaflet elements (#2587, #2609 by @thickmn, @falkoschindler)
  • Fix layer events and run_layer_method for ui.leaflet (#2500, #2557 by @elkarouh, @kleynjan, @falkoschindler)
  • Fix modifiers on key event for ui.interactive_image() (#2530 by @masrab, @falkoschindler)
  • Fix .tooltip() ignoring default_classes from ui.tooltip (#2554 by @h0uter, @falkoschindler)
  • Raise minimum version of python-multipart to avoid Content-Type Header ReDoS (#2569 by @svfoxat)


  • Show a content preview when using the search dialog (#2547 by @ZeroCool940711, @rodja, @falkoschindler)
  • Use more specific page titles for individual documentation pages (#2583, #2607 by @bandit-masked, @falkoschindler)
  • Add tooltips to the search and theme buttons (#2539 by @ZeroCool940711)
  • Add a demo for custom icon sets (#2617, #2620 by @me21, @falkoschindler)
  • Add a toggleable button demo (#2615 by @rodja)
  • Add demo on how to update markdown content (#2584, #2592 by @Anindya088, @falkoschindler, @rodja)
  • Add sponsor button to the website (#2572 by @rodja)
  • Provide infos about our coding style (#2564 by @rodja)


4 months ago

New features and enhancements


  • Fix initial row ID in "Editable table" and "Editable AG Grid" examples (#2524, #2525 by @tjmuenster, @falkoschindler)
  • Fix plotly event registration (#2519, #2523 by @falkoschindler, @bmaranville)
  • Strip root_path to make ASGIServer from socketio compatible with mounting as sub-app (#2468, #2515, #2521 by @wdroz, @aersam, @rodja)


4 months ago

New features and enhancements

  • Support validation for (#2436, #2498 by @me21, @falkoschindler)
  • Introduce media_type parameter for (#2491, #2494 by @me21, @iron3oxide, @falkoschindler)
  • Relax upper bounds on some dependencies (#2485, #2506 by @sscherfke)


  • Fix event handler registration for ui.plotly (#2435, #2504, #2505, #2516 by @Wzhipeng, @bmaranville, @platinops)
  • Fix events with "Restricted" arguments on Firefox (#2469, #2499 by @me21, @falkoschindler)
  • Shorten filepaths for static fonts to avoid a rare installation problem (#2480, #2512 by @mcohan, @falkoschindler)


  • Fix broken target links in documentation strings (#2459 by @bmaranville)
  • Fix duplicate links on some reference pages (#2495 by @rodja, @falkoschindler)


5 months ago

New features and enhancements

  • Add "loaded" event which fires when the source of a ui.interactive_image changes (#2453 by @rodja)
  • Let and inherit from SourceElement (#2444, #2449 by @KimigaiiWuyi, @falkoschindler, @rodja)
  • Make ui.log autoscroll to bottom when page is loaded (#2447 by @CrabzteR)
  • Add support for Material Symbols (#2434 by @codingpaula, @falkoschindler)
  • Introduce layer methods for ui.leaflet (#2418 by @falkoschindler)


  • Fix ui.number adding decimal points when a validation error occurs (#2454 by @jekoie, @rodja, @falkoschindler)
  • Update tailwind.config.darkMode only if the value has changed, improving the initial load time of (#2287, #2446, #2451 by @platinops, @rodja)
  • Improve the error message when storage_secret is missing (#2438, #2445 by @me21, @rodja, @falkoschindler)
  • Fix ui.notification not changing its style based on the type argument (#2427 by @csrubin, @falkoschindler)
  • Fix "python-socketio" requirement to install optional "asyncio-client" extra (#2089, #2426 by @retsyo, @rodja)


  • Serve fuse.js from our domain not CDN (#2450 by @rodja)
  • Update list of features (#2452 by @rodja)
  • Add example on how to use websockets library (#2424, #2432 by @rogeremail, @rodja)


5 months ago

New features and enhancements

  • Add support for calling ui.aggrid row methods (#2357, #2413 by @E-H-E-H, @falkoschindler)
  • Introduce from_pyecharts method for ui.echart (#2403 by @CrystalWindSnake, @falkoschindler)
  • Allow handling ui.mermaid errors on the server (#2390, #2396 by @jdavidrcamacho, @falkoschindler)
  • Provide meta data for wrapped page-builder (#2382, #2412 by @WSH032, @rodja)


  • Fix copy-to-clipboard button of ui.code when the code contains a backtick ` (#2400 by @Wzhipeng, @falkoschindler)


5 months ago

New features and enhancements

  • Greatly improve performance when removing bindings, e.g. when leaving a page (#2335, #2373, #2374 by @ruiheng, @falkoschindler)
  • Add ability to dismiss a ui.notification (#2379, #2380 by @zilch42, @rodja)
  • Allow calling without a socket connection (#2348, #2376 by @BlackF0rest, @falkoschindler)
  • Keep version in pyproject.toml up to date (#2345 by @iron3oxide, @falkoschindler, @rodja)


  • Fix copy button for ui.code() in Safari (#2377 by @Wzhipeng, @falkoschindler)


5 months ago


  • Optimize binding propagation (#2290, #2311 by @rodja, @falkoschindler)
  • Put .local/bin in PATH so pip installed programs like pytest are executable (#2305 by @rodja)
  • Update with refactored Tailwind CSS integrations (#2317 by @RJohnPaul, @falkoschindler)


  • Update dependencies and socketio path behavior (#2354, #2360 by @Smug246, @rodja)
  • Fix updating of error message for validation elements (#2333, #2342 by @iron3oxide, @falkoschindler)
  • Fix a problem with storage not working in python 3.8 (#2319, #2322 by @CrystalWindSnake)


  • Add an explanation for run.cpu_bound (#2221, #2363 by @johancj, @rodja)
  • Improve binding documentation (#2201, #2323 by @ed2050, @natankeddem, @falkoschindler)
  • Introduce pyserial example (#2309, #2320 by @StroemJaeger, @falkoschindler)
  • Improve documentation about async/await (#2306 by @rodja)


5 months ago

New features and enhancements

  • Dynamically hide ui.code's copy button (#2283, #2288 by @frankhuurman, @falkoschindler)
  • Introduce caption and group parameter for ui.expansion (#2281 by @thetableman)
  • Loosen uvicorn dependency to allow latest versions (#2267 by @rodja)
  • Allow HTTP range requests with NiceGUI On Air for serving media files (#2250 by @rodja)
  • Allow setting head and body HTML when client is already connected (#2140, #2191 by @retsyo, @falkoschindler)
  • Support validation functions with dynamic error messages (#2133, #2150 by @steweg, @adosikas, @falkoschindler)


  • Catch exception when migrating storage files (#2276 by @gavinpotter, @falkoschindler)
  • Keep updates and messages in outbox until client is connected (#2272 by @falkoschindler, @rodja, @codingpaula)
  • Introduce ui.refreshable_method to avoid mypy error (#2174, #2268 by @falkoschindler, @meirdev)


6 months ago

New Feature

  • Introduce new testing module and a new pytest example (#2200, #2245 by @hofaflo, @falkoschindler)


  • Fix incompatibility issue by upgrade to newer FastAPI (#2247, #2249 by @leakedby, @rodja, @DavidLeBonk, @falkoschindler)



  • Pytests for ui.scene fail locally (#643 by @tobb10001, @falkoschindler)