Nnn Versions Save

n³ The unorthodox terminal file manager


3 years ago

Happy 4th Birthday nnn!!! 🍰

nnn v4.0 Sushi release notes.

  • allow plugins to clear selection (#884, #889, #917)
  • do not clear selection on hovered file deletion
  • resurrect 'c'urrent/'s'el prompt and option -u (#889)
  • show only file name in reverse in detail mode
  • more file/mime types supported in preview-tui-ext
  • plugin mtpmount - (un)mount MTP devices
  • plugin cleanfilename - more shell-friendly file names
  • plugin rsynccp - copy-paste with visual progress
  • replace $HOME by ~ in address bar
  • show current path in terminal title on option -x (#911)
  • total links and inode number of hardlink in statusbar
  • fix symlink to text file not opening in CLI editor (#890)
  • fix symlink size shown as 0B in statusbar (#888)
  • show symlink target in statusbar (#893)
  • show correct disk free/total on macOS (#888)
  • fix directory disk usage showing as 0 on macOS (#941)
  • fix name col len with -C and icons compiled-in (#936)
  • refactor printing entries in light/detail modes (#934)
  • make option O_CKBOARD for checker board as indicator


3 years ago
  • allow plugins to clear selection (#884, #889, #917)
  • do not clear selection on hovered file deletion
  • resurrect 'c'urrent/'s'el prompt and option -u (#889)
  • show only file name in reverse in detail mode
  • more file/mime types supported in preview-tui-ext
  • plugin mtpmount - (un)mount MTP devices
  • plugin cleanfilename - more shell-friendly file names
  • plugin rsynccp - copy-paste with visual progress
  • replace $HOME by ~ in address bar
  • show current path in terminal title (#911)
  • total links and inode number of hardlink in statusbar
  • fix symlink to text file not opening in CLI editor (#890)
  • fix symlink size shown as 0B in statusbar (#888)
  • show symlink target in statusbar (#893)
  • show correct disk free/total on macOS (#888)
  • fix directory disk usage showing as 0 on macOS (#941)
  • fix name col len with -C and icons compiled-in (#936)
  • refactor printing entries in light/detail modes (#934)
  • make option O_CKBOARD for checker board as indicator


3 years ago

nnn v3.6 Nina release notes.

  • REPL command prompt (Esc or Enter to exit)
  • invert selection with A
  • option -u removed (always prefer selection to hovered)
  • visit start dir on @ when start path is a file
  • exit filter mode and redraw on ^L if no last filter
  • plugin fzcd now selects the chosen file (#876)
  • ueberzug support in plugin preview-tui
  • new plugin preview-tui-ext with extra preview support
  • clear selection after successful plugin invocation
  • add method to sync subshell $PWD in WIki
  • clear selection on single file deletion (#812)
  • copy between instances not working (#864)
  • plugin togglex to toggle exe mode of a selection (#813)
  • fix memccpy() buffer overlap fault on macOS (#786)
  • show 0 selected msg on cp/mv with empty selection (#855)
  • fix frozen terminal caused by opener (#858)
  • migrate macOS CI to GitHub workflows, retire Travis


3 years ago

nnn v3.5 Freddie Release Notes.

  • support Alexey Tourbin's QSORT macro [make O_QSORT=1]
  • support Nerd Font patched icons [make O_NERD=1]
  • auto-generate static binaries with icons support
  • audit and adapt all plugins for macOS
  • enhance plugin dups to delete duplicates interactively
  • plugin autojump now supports jump and zoxide
  • support gio trash to Trash [export NNN_TRASH=2] (#740)
  • quit program on double Esc in normal mode (#775)
  • ^Space replaces ^K for range selection/clear selection
  • show selection symbol (+) next to filename in detail mode (#741)
  • error & quit on Q if no selection, else pick to stdout
  • repeat ^T to cycle sort by time, size and clear
  • option -U to show user & group info in status bar
  • option -J to disable auto-proceed on select (#713)
  • option -D to show dirs in context color with NNN_FCOLORS
  • honor option -C for context colors
  • show indicators if more entries above/below listing (#744)
  • show missing utility name in flash msg (#753)
  • exit preview-tabbed on ^C (#727)
  • invoke GNU sed (gsed) on macOS (#728)
  • fix HW cursor moves to wrong line (#735)
  • fix rollover bug with multiline scroll (#743)
  • fix input stream not listed with -s/-S (#777)
  • fix locker not being invoked
  • make target upx for additional binary compression
  • compress auto-generated static binaries with upx
  • make variable O_NOSSN to compile out sessions
  • make variable O_NOUG to compile out user & group info


3 years ago

nnn v3.4 Emilia Release Notes.

  • icons with icon-specific colors (thanks @KlzXS)
  • enhanced NNN_COLORS with xterm 256 colors support
  • new colorscheme with NNN_FCOLORS (file type specific colors)
  • switch -C to force earlier colorscheme (dirs follow context color)
  • updates for Haiku (thanks @CodeforEvolution)
  • fix XFS navigation issue (thanks @ucs1)
  • optimize archive extension matching on file open
  • show location in context color
  • support host[:dir] format for remote mounts
  • clear selection after copy
  • support traversal on file/dir creation
  • show selection in reverse in status bar
  • show status bar indicator H when hidden files are listed
  • show and confirm archive command output
  • support cd on quit in picker mode


3 years ago
  • subdir mounts for remote and archive mounts
  • remove mount point on successful unmount of remote/archive
  • show error and prompt user if cp/mv/rm operation fails
  • support absolute/relative paths in cp/mv as
  • mark current path automatically on archive/remote mount
  • mark current path automatically on target file visit in find and list mode
  • option -C to place HW cursor on hovered for screen readers and braille displays
  • option -u to use selection (if available) and skip current/sel prompt
  • key Alt+Esc to clear filter prompt and redraw
  • support Esc to cancel remove operation
  • gpge & gpgd: encrypt and decrypt with GPG
  • blknew: create new files and directories in bulk
  • preview-tui:
    • unified to support tmux/kitty/xterm/$TERMINAL
    • auto-determine split orientation based on terminal height and width
    • provision to use scope.sh and pistol
    • various other improvements
  • upload: send to Firefox Send if ffsend is found
  • hexview: add hx as alternative hex viewer
  • nuke and imgview: add imv as alternative image viewer
  • add find (with fd) and grep (with rg) examples in plugins doc
  • key Esc or left click to resend hovered file path to NNN_FIFO
  • show + instead of s in status bar on selection
  • F5 removed (misfit for toggle hidden), ^S removed (often masked, redundant)
  • handle abnormal program termination and remove NNN_PIPE and/or NNN_FIFO
  • clear selection after successful batch rename, link creation
  • make option O_CTX8 for 8 contexts (NOT backward compatible with 4 contexts)
  • fix issue with child window resize (see #656)
  • fix issue with NNNLVL on macOS (see #639)
  • fix issue with restoring session with du/au enabled


4 years ago

Note: Please update your existing plugins when upgrading to nnn v3.2.

  • an official logo
  • previews
    • config NNN_FIFO to write hovered file paths a previewer can read
    • plugin preview-tabbed: tabbed/xembed based file previewer
    • plugin preview-tui: simple TUI file previewer in tmux/xterm
    • plugin preview-kitty: preview using kitty terminal's capabilities
    • live preview configuration example
  • find & list
    • send list of files from (cmd run as) plugin to nnn
    • plugin finder: find/fd/fzf/grep/ripgrep/fzf (in subtree) and list in nnn
    • Right or l on symlink in list dir takes to target file
  • persistent session option -S [for disk usage, run nnn -T d (see help)]
  • hover on the file when a file path is passed as positional argument
  • go to first file or match with ' (followed by ' or char)
  • config NNN_SEL to specify custom selection file
  • config NNN_LOCKER to specify locker program
  • dim file details in detail mode
  • call chdir() on directory change
  • option -l: number of lines to move on mouse scroll
  • graphical keybind map
  • let NNN_COLORS override NO_COLOR
  • plugins
    • option -P: run plugin by key at start
    • run plugins with Alt+key
    • allow NNN_PIPE usage by commands run as plugin
    • input format to NNN_PIPE: <ctxcode><opcode><data> (see plugins doc)
    • set ctxcode to + for smart context usage (next inactive, else current)
    • getplugs to fetch plugins by installed version of nnn
    • plugin mimelist: list files by mime type in subtree
    • plugin bookmarks: named bookmarks using symlinks
    • plugin nbak: backup nnn config
    • nuke adds lowdown as alternative markdown viewer
    • several plugin improvements
  • fix broken screen on resize (see #520)
  • fix broken version sort (see #550)
  • fix list and pipe modes not working together
  • fix multiple issues with listing files
  • fix @ shown in detail mode for symlink to dir
  • fix listing files directly under /
  • move to -std=c11


4 years ago

nnn turns 3 today. Happy Birthday! :cake:

What's in?

  • unlimited bookmarks and plugin keys
  • status bar text in context color
  • support config NO_COLOR to disable colors
  • config NNN_OPTS to specify binary options to nnn
  • config NNN_MCLICK to emulate configurable key
  • toggle selection on right click
  • ignore hard links when calculating disk usage
  • dim (hard/sym) link names (symlink to file has @)
  • more special keys at empty filter prompt in type-to-nav
  • key > to export file list
  • option -F to show fortune in help and settings screen
  • option -T to specify sort order (obsoletes -v)
  • option to clear sort order
  • key T to change time type (access/change/mod)
  • .nmv - internal fully-functional batch renamer plugin
  • make var O_NOBATCH to disable native batch renamer
  • nuke & imgview - open all images in directory sxiv
  • nuke - open log files in vi
  • plugin x2sel - system clipboard to selection copier
  • plugin fzy - cd using z database
  • plugin fzopen - support FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND
  • create new context on TAB without prompt
  • hover and connect by dir name (within config dir)
  • move to next entry on current file delete
  • on single file copy/move, select the copied/moved file
  • option -f to to use readline history file (off by default)
  • use s in status bar to indicate selection in progress
  • make var O_NOMOUSE to disable mouse support
  • do not store NNN_TRASH and -Q in config/session
  • add sample .desktop file for XDG compatible DEs
  • rename nav-as-you-type to type-to-nav mode
  • fix PCRE case-insensitive regex search
  • fix no error msg when filter length limit exceeded
  • fix static package generation
  • fix broken abort message when started in du-mode
  • fix filter lost on context switch in non type-to-nav mode
  • fix broken readline prompt
  • fix long strings treated as action keys in filter prompt
  • fix NNNLVL not reset when spawned shell is exited


4 years ago

What's in?

  • static 64-bit binary to run nnn without installing
  • take list of files as input and show
  • option -e replaces NNN_USE_EDITOR
  • option -t replaces NNN_IDLE_TIMEOUT
  • config NNN_SSHFS_OPTS is now NNN_SSHFS
  • config NNN_RCLONE_OPTS is now NNN_RCLONE
  • PCRE support
  • more readline bindings for native prompts
  • run GUI app as plugin
  • attempt lazy unmount when regular unmount fails
  • fix unmount on macOS: use umount
  • detect sshfs and rclone to prompt intelligently
  • auto-proceed on file open (toggle key +)
  • quit with error code on Q
  • additional key F5 to toggle hidden
  • key e to edit in EDITOR (back on multiple user requests)
  • option to edit list of files in selection is changed to E
  • do not end selection on redraw
  • nuke: glow as Markdown viewer
  • nuke: refactor, handle some common video types by extension
  • file name removed from status bar
  • static Makefile target
  • generate, upload static package on release
  • fix crash on entering empty dir, then Down
  • fix keypresses lost when showing message
  • fix #227: nnn creates xdg-open zombies


4 years ago

What's in?

  • user pain points addressed
    • all keybinds and options reviewed by the team and frozen (see #422)
    • fewer keybinds
    • greatly improved help screen readability
  • nuke: sample opener (CLI-only by default) and plugin
  • fast line redraws instead of full screen refresh (thanks @annagrram)
  • auto archive handling by extension (see config NNN_ARCHIVE)
  • Lead key simplified to bookmark key (b or ^/)
  • single key to toggle order (t or ^T)
  • plugins
    • .cbcp: copy selection to system clipboard (internal, program option -x)
    • .ntfy: show noti on cp, mv, rm completion (internal, program option -x)
    • autojump: navigate using autojump
    • upload: paste text files to http://ix.io, upload rest to https://file.io
    • all fuzzy plugins modified to support both fzf and fzy
  • more control on plugins
    • prefix - to skip directory refresh after running (cmd as) plugin
    • suffix * to skip confirmation after running cmd as plugin
  • indicate range selection mode with *
  • list keys at bookmark and plugin key prompts
  • visit to pinned dir like bookmarks (Bookmark key followed by ,)
  • toggle executable (key *)
  • show mime along with file details
  • more special keys at empty filter prompt:
    • apply the last filter (^L)
    • toggle between string and regex (/)
    • toggle case-sensitivity (:)
  • retain filter on Esc, Up, Down
  • show filter details when filter is on
  • remove option to run filter as cmd on prompt key (can be disruptive)
  • program options
    • option -x: enable notis and copy selection to system clipboard
    • option -g: regex filters (string filter is default now)
    • option -Q: quit program without confirmation
    • option -s: load session
    • option -n: start in nav-as-you-type mode
    • option -v: version sort
    • option -V: show program version
    • option -A: disable dir auto-select
  • ISO 8601 compliant date in status bar
  • ported to Haiku OS (thanks @annagrram)
  • sort only filtered entries (to avoid directory refresh)
  • fix getplugs to install hidden files
  • fix several selection issues (see #400)
  • fix detail mode not restored on loading session
  • fix symlink to directory not auto-selected
  • fix regex error on partial regex patterns
  • fix symlink not shown if stat(2) on target fails
  • fix flags when spawning a CLI opener as default FM
  • fix issue with stat flag on Sun (no support for dirent.d_type)
  • fix current file in current context not saved correctly in session
  • signed source distribution on release
  • simplified debugging with line numbers in logs