NOC3D Chapter6 Save

Nature of Code - Autonomous Agents examples in 3D

Project README

Nature of code 3D

Chapter 6. Autonomous Agents

Follow a path (3d mesh lines)

Daniel Shiffman's Nature of Code examples in 3D, ported to javascript (ES6) using Three.js.

I did this mostly to learn something more about 3D programming and Three.js, while enjoying the beautiful work of Daniel Shiffman again (I had already read his book based on Processing). All this is reeeeeeally basic and could be greatly improved. Comments and pull requests are very welcome: please open an issue.


TODO: Create a GPGPU version of some examples, using the GPU to calculate motion.

TODO: Animate the trails using a solid 3D line with materials and shadows (instead of a basic webgl line or a THREE.MeshLine by @thespite).

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "NOC3D Chapter6" Project. README Source: taseenb/NOC3D-chapter6
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6 months ago

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