Oboe Recorder Sample Save

Sample app to demonstrate oboe recording capabilities

Project README


This android application (Native/C++) is created to demonstrate how we can use Google's Oboe to record audio and saving them into a local WAV file.


  1. Used Kotlin.
  2. Whole project is based on AndroidX.
  3. Used Oboe (A C++ library that makes it easy to build high-performance audio apps on Android).
  4. Used C library named libsndfile for reading and writing sound files containing sampled audio data.


  1. Writing to file must be done on a background thread.
  2. UI improvements, giving feedback to user while recording/playback etc etc.
  3. Current implementation replaces old recorded file, we need to just create new recording in to a new file each time user starts recording.
  4. Give user the control to save recordings to a new directory location.
Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Oboe Recorder Sample" Project. README Source: sheraz-nadeem/oboe_recorder_sample

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