Obsidian Enhancing Mindmap Versions Save

obsidian plugin editable mindmap,you can edit mindmap on markdown file


10 months ago

fix 1.4.0 cannot open mindmap bug thank for @zhao414

notice: this version for obsidian 1.4.0 , if you use obsidian v1.3.7 , please not update to this version

注意:该版本支持 ob 1.4.0 以上版本,如果您使用的是 ob 1.4.0 以下的版本,请不要更新到该版本


1 year ago

fix #90


2 years ago

fix #76


2 years ago
  1. fix https://github.com/MarkMindCkm/obsidian-markmind/issues/184
  2. merge feature request https://github.com/MarkMindCkm/obsidian-enhancing-mindmap/pull/61
  3. support import text from xmind zen file (支持导入xmind zen 文件)

If you need more stronger mind mapping and PDF annotation functions , you can try my another plugin : obsidian markmind

  • support summary
  • support freenode
  • support node group
  • support relate link
  • support pdf annotate
  • support more layout
    • table layout
    • fish layout
    • tree layout
  • support import highlight annotations from pdf
  • support commit the annotations and highlights to the PDF
  • support mobile and pc

如果您需要更强大的思维导图和pdf标注功能,可以尝试一下我的另一个插件 obsidian markmind

support import xmind zen file

import xmind zen


import annotations from pdf (支持导入pdf文件中高亮标注)


pdf annotate (pdf 标注功能)


mind map
basic modebasic 模式的一些功能演示)

rich moderich 模式的一些功能演示)

mobile pdf annotate (移动端 pdf 批注功能)



2 years ago

fix export to html bug when collapse node

  • notice ,when export mindmap, image in mindmap must be local
  • support export mathematical formula ,but more tests are needed
  • not support mobile

fix #51



  • 注意,思维导图引用图片必须是本地的,否则可能出错
  • 不要有空链接
  • 目前支持导出公式,但需要更多的测试
  • 导出功能最好在电脑端使用,对移动端的支持可能不太好

修复 #51



2 years ago

add export mindmap to html command ( ctrl + p ) , it is a image in fact ,the default export is colorless image , you can set up background in setting tab

  • notice , image in mindmap must be local
  • support export mathematical formula ,but more tests are needed
  • not support mobile

添加支持导出思维导图为html文件命令(ctrl + p),其本质是个图片, 默认导出是无底色的图片,你可以在设置页面设置背景色

  • 注意,思维导图引用图片必须是本地的,否则可能出错
  • 不要有空链接
  • 目前支持导出公式,但需要更多的测试
  • 导出功能最好在电脑端使用,对移动端的支持可能不太好




2 years ago
  1. add command copy and paste node (ctrl + p) , support copy and paste node
  2. add Clockwise layout , you can select in setting tab , thanks to @cwfryer

  1. 在命令中添加复制和粘贴,支持节点复制和粘贴
  2. 添加一个 Clockwise 布局,在设置页面选择,感谢 @cwfryer



2 years ago

fix #34 , Save the state of collapsed branches , thanks to @anta-semenov

fix sometimes parse md error due to code blocks

修复 #34 ,保存分支折叠状态,感谢 @anta-semenov 修复某些情况下代码块引起的解析markdown文件错误


2 years ago

fix #40 fix #17 add command toggle markdown/mindmap mode fix #28

Please allow me to introduce my another plugin obsidian-markmind

obsidian-markmind is base on this project , and in addition to these functions, it is also pointed out that , it support rich mode :

  • add summary
  • add boundary
  • add relate link
  • add free node
  • pdf annotate
  • relate annotate and node

if you interest in it , you can try it https://github.com/MarkMindCkm/obsidian-markmind

请允许我介绍我的另一款插件obsidian markmind 它是建立在本插件基础之上的,除了本插件所有功能之外,它还支持rich模式,

  • 添加归纳节点
  • 添加外框
  • 添加联系线
  • 添加自由节点
  • 支持pdf文档标注
  • 添加标注和节点之间的引用

如果您对markmind感兴趣,您可以尝试一下 https://github.com/MarkMindCkm/obsidian-markmind


2 years ago

fix miss markdown format when use tab
