Ol Ext Versions Save

Cool extensions for Openlayers (ol) - animated clusters, CSS popup, Font Awesome symbol renderer, charts for statistical map (pie/bar), layer switcher, wikipedia layer, animations, canvas filters.


2 months ago

Breaking changes: renaming ol/control/Profile #1042 for some CSS classes which may be overridden for custom styling.

  • .ol-profilbar is now .ol-profilebar
  • .ol-profilecursor is now .ol-profilecursor
  • .ol-profilepopup is now .ol-profilepopup
  • now use: new Profile() ol.control.Profil class still exists for compatibility

Other changes

  • LayersSwitcher control in a Web component. #1048
  • Add setSource to AnimatedCluster #1045
  • draw handles while animating Transform #1037
  • Add a new ol/control/Dialog2x to print 2 maps side by side see example


3 months ago


4 months ago
  • Update Geoportail service to Geoplateforme
  • #1027 Clear input on search control


5 months ago
  • Moving to new IGN's Geoplateforme services
  • Bug on touch cursor
  • Add FeatureList control


7 months ago


7 months ago
  • scale control #983
  • Remove animating canvas #984
  • Bug DragOverlay #985
  • Fix crop/mask and wrapX #1008
  • Update Geoportail new Geoplatform services
  • Bug when animating #1011 #1013


11 months ago
  • fix bug on GeoJSONX on small linestrings
  • fix bug witj bad formated WMS
  • fix target options#971
  • empty clipbord (CopyPaste) #970
  • fix bug #967


1 year ago
  • [BUG] writing GeoJSONX / 3D points
  • remove controls in a bar #951
  • Print dialog target option #950
  • Remove empty legend #946
  • Remove namespace #937


1 year ago
  • remove bug on photo style / pixel ratio
  • update search Geoportail control to v2 API
  • use blend modes on print


1 year ago
  • SearchFeature sort #890
  • Bug Dropfile / multi file names
  • Add geom simplificator (test)
  • Add Visvalingam simplification algo
  • Add event to control Bar (control:active)
  • Doc improvement