Ollama Webui Versions Save

User-friendly WebUI for LLMs (Formerly Ollama WebUI)


3 weeks ago

[0.3.4] - 2024-06-12


  • 🔒 Mixed Content with HTTPS Issue: Resolved a problem where mixed content (HTTP and HTTPS) was causing security warnings and blocking resources on HTTPS sites.
  • 🔍 Web Search Issue: Addressed the problem where web search functionality was not working correctly. The 'ENABLE_RAG_LOCAL_WEB_FETCH' option has been reintroduced to restore proper web searching capabilities.
  • 💾 RAG Template Not Being Saved: Fixed an issue where the RAG template was not being saved correctly, ensuring your custom templates are now preserved as expected.


3 weeks ago

[0.3.3] - 2024-06-12


  • 🛠️ Native Python Function Calling: Introducing native Python function calling within Open WebUI. We’ve also included a built-in code editor to seamlessly develop and integrate function code within the 'Tools' workspace. With this, you can significantly enhance your LLM’s capabilities by creating custom RAG pipelines, web search tools, and even agent-like features such as sending Discord messages.
  • 🌐 DuckDuckGo Integration: Added DuckDuckGo as a web search provider, giving you more search options.
  • 🌏 Enhanced Translations: Improved translations for Vietnamese and Chinese languages, making the interface more accessible.


  • 🔗 Web Search URL Error Handling: Fixed the issue where a single URL error would disrupt the data loading process in Web Search mode. Now, such errors will be handled gracefully to ensure uninterrupted data loading.
  • 🖥️ Frontend Responsiveness: Resolved the problem where the frontend would stop responding if the backend encounters an error while downloading a model. Improved error handling to maintain frontend stability.
  • 🔧 Dependency Issues in pip: Fixed issues related to pip installations, ensuring all dependencies are correctly managed to prevent installation errors.

👏 Massive thanks to our incredible contributors for their hard work and dedication to making this release possible: @KarlLee830, @Yash-1511, @que-nguyen, @cocktailpeanut, @sime2408, @ClassicOldSong


3 weeks ago

[0.3.2] - 2024-06-10


  • 🔍 Web Search Query Status: The web search query will now persist in the results section to aid in easier debugging and tracking of search queries.
  • 🌐 New Web Search Provider: We have added Serply as a new option for web search providers, giving you more choices for your search needs.
  • 🌏 Improved Translations: We've enhanced translations for Chinese and Portuguese.


  • 🎤 Audio File Upload Issue: The bug that prevented audio files from being uploaded in chat input has been fixed, ensuring smooth communication.
  • 💬 Message Input Handling: Improved the handling of message inputs by instantly clearing images and text after sending, along with immediate visual indications when a response message is loading, enhancing user feedback.
  • ⚙️ Parameter Registration and Validation: Fixed the issue where parameters were not registering in certain cases and addressed the problem where users were unable to save due to invalid input errors.

👏 Massive thanks to our incredible contributors for their hard work and dedication to making this release possible: @KarlLee830, @pedrosilva, @arkohut, @teampen


3 weeks ago

[0.3.1] - 2024-06-09


  • 💬 Chat Functionality: Resolved the issue where chat functionality was not working for specific models.


3 weeks ago

[0.3.0] - 2024-06-09


  • 📚 Knowledge Support for Models: Attach documents directly to models from the models workspace, enhancing the information available to each model.
  • 🎙️ Hands-Free Voice Call Feature: Initiate voice calls without needing to use your hands, making interactions more seamless.
  • 📹 Video Call Feature: Enable video calls with supported vision models like Llava and GPT-4o, adding a visual dimension to your communications.
  • 🎛️ Enhanced UI for Voice Recording: Improved user interface for the voice recording feature, making it more intuitive and user-friendly.
  • 🌐 External STT Support: Now support for external Speech-To-Text services, providing more flexibility in choosing your STT provider.
  • ⚙️ Unified Settings: Consolidated settings including document settings under a new admin settings section for easier management.
  • 🌑 Dark Mode Splash Screen: A new splash screen for dark mode, ensuring a consistent and visually appealing experience for dark mode users.
  • 📥 Upload Pipeline: Directly upload pipelines from the admin settings > pipelines section, streamlining the pipeline management process.
  • 🌍 Improved Language Support: Enhanced support for Chinese and Ukrainian languages, better catering to a global user base.


  • 🛠️ Playground Issue: Fixed the playground not functioning properly, ensuring a smoother user experience.
  • 🔥 Temperature Parameter Issue: Corrected the issue where the temperature value '0' was not being passed correctly.
  • 📝 Prompt Input Clearing: Resolved prompt input textarea not being cleared right away, ensuring a clean slate for new inputs.
  • ✨ Various UI Styling Issues: Fixed numerous user interface styling problems for a more cohesive look.
  • 👥 Active Users Display: Fixed active users showing active sessions instead of actual users, now reflecting accurate user activity.
  • 🌐 Community Platform Compatibility: The Community Platform is back online and fully compatible with Open WebUI.


  • 📝 RAG Implementation: Updated the RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation) implementation to use a system prompt for context, instead of overriding the user's prompt.
  • 🔄 Settings Relocation: Moved Models, Connections, Audio, and Images settings to the admin settings for better organization.
  • ✍️ Improved Title Generation: Enhanced the default prompt for title generation, yielding better results.
  • 🔧 Backend Task Management: Tasks like title generation and search query generation are now managed on the backend side and controlled only by the admin.
  • 🔍 Editable Search Query Prompt: You can now edit the search query generation prompt, offering more control over how queries are generated.
  • 📏 Prompt Length Threshold: Set the prompt length threshold for search query generation from the admin settings, giving more customization options.
  • 📣 Settings Consolidation: Merged the Banners admin setting with the Interface admin setting for a more streamlined settings area.

👏 Massive thanks to our incredible contributors for their hard work and dedication to making this release possible: @choltha, @mindspawn, @SimonOriginal, @KarlLee830, @jannikstdl, @arkohut, @bartowski1182

🚀 We'd like to extend a heartfelt thank you to our amazing sponsors for their generous support (Note: We've excluded private sponsors from this list. If you'd like to get featured here, feel free to reach out to us!): @github, @lukepiette, @roosi-gmbh, @kroonen, @GenieDev101, @Lance1101, @awaliuddin



4 weeks ago

[0.2.5] - 2024-06-05


  • 👥 Active Users Indicator: Now you can see how many people are currently active and what they are running. This helps you gauge when performance might slow down due to a high number of users.
  • 🗂️ Create Ollama Modelfile: The option to create a modelfile for Ollama has been reintroduced in the Settings > Models section, making it easier to manage your models.
  • ⚙️ Default Model Setting: Added an option to set the default model from Settings > Interface. This feature is now easily accessible, especially convenient for mobile users as it was previously hidden.
  • 🌐 Enhanced Translations: We've improved the Chinese translations and added support for Turkmen and Norwegian languages to make the interface more accessible globally.


  • 📱 Mobile View Improvements: The UI now uses dvh (dynamic viewport height) instead of vh (viewport height), providing a better and more responsive experience for mobile users.

👏 Massive thanks to our incredible contributors for their hard work and dedication to making this release possible: @Lanhild, @KarlLee830, @Jasurbek99, @mikal-k


1 month ago

[0.2.4] - 2024-06-03


  • 👤 Improved Account Pending Page: The account pending page now displays admin details by default to avoid confusion. You can disable this feature in the admin settings if needed.
  • 🌐 HTTP Proxy Support: We have enabled the use of the 'http_proxy' environment variable in OpenAI and Ollama API calls, making it easier to configure network settings.
  • ❓ Quick Access to Documentation: You can now easily access Open WebUI documents via a question mark button located at the bottom right corner of the screen (available on larger screens like PCs).
  • 🌍 Enhanced Translation: Improvements have been made to translations.


  • 🔍 SearxNG Web Search: Fixed the issue where the SearxNG web search functionality was not working properly.

👏 Massive thanks to our incredible contributors for their hard work and dedication to making this release possible: @aguvener, @cheahjs, @justinh-rahb, @mindspawn


1 month ago

[0.2.3] - 2024-06-03


  • 📁 Export Chat as JSON: You can now export individual chats as JSON files from the navbar menu by navigating to 'Download > Export Chat'. This makes sharing specific conversations easier.
  • ✏️ Edit Titles with Double Click: Double-click on titles to rename them quickly and efficiently.
  • 🧩 Batch Multiple Embeddings: Introduced 'RAG_EMBEDDING_OPENAI_BATCH_SIZE' to process multiple embeddings in a batch, enhancing performance for large datasets.
  • 🌍 Improved Translations: Enhanced the translation quality across various languages for a better user experience.


  • 🛠️ Modelfile Migration Script: Fixed an issue where the modelfile migration script would fail if an invalid modelfile was encountered.
  • 💬 Zhuyin Input Method on Mac: Resolved an issue where using the Zhuyin input method in the Web UI on a Mac caused text to send immediately upon pressing the enter key, leading to incorrect input.
  • 🔊 Local TTS Voice Selection: Fixed the issue where the selected local Text-to-Speech (TTS) voice was not being displayed in settings.

👏 Massive thanks to our incredible contributors for their hard work and dedication to making this release possible: @Lhemamou, @cheahjs, @nirabo, @KarlLee830


1 month ago

[0.2.2] - 2024-06-02


  • 🌊 Mermaid Rendering Support: We've included support for Mermaid rendering. This allows you to create beautiful diagrams and flowcharts directly within Open WebUI.
  • 🔄 New Environment Variable 'RESET_CONFIG_ON_START': Introducing a new environment variable: 'RESET_CONFIG_ON_START'. Set this variable to reset your configuration settings upon starting the application, making it easier to revert to default settings.


  • 🔧 Pipelines Filter Issue: We've addressed an issue with the pipelines where filters were not functioning as expected.

👏 Massive thanks to our incredible contributors for their hard work and dedication to making this release possible: @cheahjs


1 month ago

[0.2.1] - 2024-06-02


  • 🖱️ Single Model Export Button: Easily export models with just one click using the new single model export button.
  • 🖥️ Advanced Parameters Support: Added support for 'num_thread', 'use_mmap', and 'use_mlock' parameters for Ollama.
  • 🌐 Improved Vietnamese Translation: Enhanced Vietnamese language support for a better user experience for our Vietnamese-speaking community.


  • 🔧 OpenAI URL API Save Issue: Corrected a problem preventing the saving of OpenAI URL API settings.
  • 🚫 Display Issue with Disabled Ollama API: Fixed the display bug causing models to appear in settings when the Ollama API was disabled.


  • 💡 Versioning Update: As a reminder from our previous update, version 0.2.y will focus primarily on bug fixes, while major updates will be designated as 0.x from now on for better version tracking.

👏 Massive thanks to our incredible contributors for their hard work and dedication to making this release possible: @cheahjs, @SimonOriginal, @que-nguyen