OpenBoardData Save

Data for board repairs, including network volt, diode, and resistance measurements

Project README

This project has been moved to its own website for now due to the way in which the data is being contributed via FlexBV; as such we needed a directly accessible online database to do the work.

Please visit -


Data for board repairs, including network volt, diode, and resistance measurements

Initial work in FlexBV FlexBV with OpenBoardData

Initial work in OpenBoardView OpenBoardView with OpenBoardData


With board repairs, one thing that's often very useful to have on hand, aside from the boardview and schematic, is a set of known-good data values for networks, including diode-mode, resistance, or normal operating voltages; with this data complementing the boardview and schematic, it can facilitate the diagnosis and repair of faulty equipment.

OpenBoardData is a community contributed database of known good data values. There are no (current) limitations on brands or types of boards. New boards and categories can be added, and all data is in plain-text, easy to ready and add/ammend using only a text editor or even the Github web interface.

Software currently supporting OpenBoardData

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "OpenBoardData" Project. README Source: inflex/OpenBoardData
Open Issues
Last Commit
9 months ago

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