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2 years ago

The 6.8 release builds on the momentum of 6.7 with some great new enhancements. Data tiles now handle 32-bit data in addition to 8-bit. Views properties can now be provided that sources that fetch view-related data. Vector tile rendering got some performance enhancements. Find detail on these features and a number of fixes in the list of changes below.

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2 years ago

The 6.7 release includes a great batch of usability improvements, fixes, and new features. See the full list of changes from 100 pull requests below, but here are some highlights:

  • New GeoTIFF source! With parsing support from the awesome geotiff.js library, you can now render layers from hosted GeoTIFF imagery. The GeoTIFF source gives you the ability to pull from multiple GeoTIFF images, read from arbitrary bands, run band math expressions, and style the imagery to your liking.
  • New WebGL tile renderer. The GeoTIFF source is rendered with a new WebGL-based tile renderer. In addition to GeoTIFFs, the renderer supports layers with a generic DataTile source – these can be used to render aribtrary raster data and leverage the same style expressions as described above.
  • More type checking. We continue to make improvements to the TypeScript definitions included in the ol package.
  • New sources supporting the draft OGC API - Tiles specification. The OGCMapTile and OGCVectorTile sources allow you to render data from services that implement the draft OGC tiles spec. Since the specification is not yet final, these sources are not yet part of the stable OpenLayers API and should be considered experimental.
  • Custom cluster creation support, improved KML icon rendering, lots of fixes, and more. See below for all the detail.

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2 years ago

This is a bugfix release which brings improvements to the included TypeScript types, and fixes two minor issues with the Draw interaction and hit detection of regular shape symbols.

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2 years ago


3 years ago


With more than 110 pull requests, this release not only brings WFS 2.0 support and improved touch support for drawing geometries and querying features. In addition to that, several improvements, many bugs fixes, and nicer API docs and examples have found their way into the 6.5.0 release.

Upgrade notes

Units of the hitTolerance option fixed

Previously, the hitTolerance option of the map's getFeaturesAtPixel(), forEachFeatureAtPixel() and hasFeatureAtPixel() methods behaved differently depending on the devicePixelRatio (or the pixelRatio of the map), because the original value was internally multiplied by the device pixel ratio twice instead of just once. Now this is fixed. Note: The hitTolerance's units are css pixels. The documentation was updated to reflect this.

If your application adjusts for that with code like

{ hitTolerance: 10 / devicePixelRatio, }

you'll have to change that code to

{ hitTolerance: 10, }

New features and improvements

  • New scale option in RegularShape and Circle style constructors
  • WFS 2.0.0 support
  • Added preRender and postRender methods to WebGLLayerRenderer
  • Added className constructor option in ol/layer/Heatmap
  • Added load events for ol/source/Vector
  • New iconUrlFunction option for ol/format/KML
  • Added transition option to OSM and CartoDB sources
  • DragAndDrop interaction support for formats that read ArrayBuffer sources
  • New padding option for ol/View
  • New cancel event for the DragBox interaction
  • When using hitTolerance, detect closest features first
  • Ability to draw Circle geometries with a custom renderer

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3 years ago

This is a bugfix release which fixes a performance regression, a rendering issue, and adds improvements to a few examples.

See the v6.4.0 release notes for a complete list of changes and upgrade notes when upgrading from v6.3.x.

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Dependency Updates


3 years ago

This is a bugfix release which removes a few regressions that were introduced by v6.4.0, and fixes a few issues in examples.

See the v6.4.0 release notes for a complete list of changes and upgrade notes when upgrading from v6.3.x.

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3 years ago


This is a bugfix release which removes a few regressions that were introduced by v6.4.0, and fixes a few issues in examples caused by the website facelift.

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3 years ago

With more than 120 pull requests, this release brings a facelift of the website, as well as many bug fixes and several exciting new features.

Upgrade notes

Pointer events polyfill removed

Now that all major browsers support Pointer events natively, we removed the elm-pep dependency. If you are targeting older browsers that do not support Pointer events, you now need to include a pointer events polyfill (elm-pep or pepjs) in your application.

New features and improvements

  • Several event handling fixes and improvements for seamless integration into scrollable web pages and improved support for maps in web components.
  • Map interactions work again when ol.css is not included in the build.
  • More stable map views with decluttered labels during panning.
  • Image smoothing can be disabled, so raster cells can have sharp edges in image layers now.
  • Better cache management for tile layers.
  • Retina/HiDPI support for regular shape and svg icon styles.

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Dependency Updates


4 years ago