Openvr Versions Save



3 months ago

OpenVR SDK 2.5.1


  • Include Transfer Time in Frame Timing, when using Steam Link


  • Include HMD Pose Prediction Time
  • Adjust behavior for GetFrameTiming
  • Add IVRIPCResourceManagerClient for Linux


5 months ago

OpenVR SDK 2.2.3

  • New VREvent_DesktopMightBeVisible: Sent when any known desktop related overlay is visible
  • New VREvent_DesktopMightBeHidden: Sent when all known desktop related overlays are hidden


  • Added SubmitWithArrayIndex.


  • Add documentation on the new ComputeInverseDistortion method.


  • Amend comments about GetPlayAreaRect to the correct description of its behavior.
  • Add documentation on the chaperone json file.


7 months ago

OpenVR SDK 2.0.10

  • Added simpletrackers driver sample. This driver provides an example on how to add multiple trackers to SteamVR for use with features like full-body tracking.
  • New Prop_DriverDisplaysIPDChanges_Bool that drivers can set to hide SteamVR’s IPD popup.
  • New IVRCompositor SubmitFlag: Submit_IsEgl. Specifies the texture is an EGL texture and not an glX/wGL texture (Linux only, currently).
  • New VREvent_DashboardThumbChanged. Sent when a dashboard thumbnail image changes.
  • New VREvent_AnyDriverSettingsChanged. Sent when any driver settings change.
  • New VREvent_KeyboardOpened_Global. Sent globally when the keyboard is opened.
  • New VREvent_KeyboardClosed_Global. Sent globally when the keyboard is closed.
  • Added cursorIndex to VREvent_Mouse_t, VREvent_Scroll_t, and VREvent_Overlay_t.
  • Added overlayHandle to VREvent_Keyboard_t.
  • Fix 32/64 struct misalignment on Linux for Compositor_FrameTiming.
  • New VROverlayFlags:
    • VROverlayFlags_EnableControlBar - If this is set, this overlay will have a control bar drawn underneath of it in the dashboard.
    • VROverlayFlags_EnableControlBarKeyboard - If this is set, the overlay control bar will provide a button to toggle the keyboard.
    • VROverlayFlags_EnableControlBarClose - If this is set, the overlay control bar will provide a "close" button which will send a VREvent_OverlayClosed event to the overlay when pressed. Applications that use this flag are responsible for responding to the event with something that approximates "closing" behavior, such as destroying their overlay and/or shutting down their application.
    • VROverlayFlags_EnableClickStabilization - If this is set, click stabilization will be applied to the laser interaction so that clicks more reliably trigger on the user's intended target
    • VROverlayFlags_MultiCursor - If this is set, laser mouse pointer events may be sent for the secondary laser. These events will have cursorIndex set to 0 for the primary laser and 1 for the secondary.
  • New EKeyboardFlags:
    • KeyboardFlag_ShowArrowKeys - Shows arrow keys on the keyboard when in minimal mode. Buffered (non-minimal) mode always has them. In minimal mode, when arrow keys are pressed, they send ANSI escape sequences (e.g. "\x1b[D" for left arrow).
    • KeyboardFlag_HideDoneKey - Shows the hide keyboard button instead of a Done button. The Done key sends a VREvent_KeyboardDone when clicked. Hide only sends the Closed event.


10 months ago

OpenVR SDK 1.26.7


  • Removed defunct GetOverlayTransformOverlayRelative and SetOverlayTransformOverlayRelative interfaces


  • Removed defunct VREvent_SceneFocusChanged
  • Added VREvent_SceneAppPipeDisconnected - Called when the scene app's pipe has been closed (data is process)


  • Added Prop_Hmd_SupportsHDR10_Bool
  • Added Prop_Hmd_EnableParallelRenderCameras_Bool (drivers can set this compensate for canted and/or clocked displays)
  • Added Prop_DriverProvidedChaperoneJson_String (overrides Prop_DriverProvidedChaperonePath_String)
  • Renamed Prop_Hmd_SupportsRoomViewDirect_Bool
  • Renamed Prop_Hmd_SupportsAppThrottling_Bool
  • Added Prop_Hmd_SupportsGpuBusMonitoring_Bool
  • Added Prop_DSCVersion_Int32
  • Added Prop_DSCSliceCount_Int32
  • Added Prop_DSCBPPx16_Int32


  • Removed defunct VROverlayTransform_SystemOverlay
  • Added VROverlayTransform_Subview


  • Added m_nNumFrameSubmits
  • Added m_flSumCompositorCPUTimeMS
  • Added m_flSumCompositorGPUTimeMS
  • Added m_flSumTargetFrameTimes
  • Added m_flSumApplicationCPUTimeMS
  • Added m_flSumApplicationGPUTimeMS
  • Added m_nNumFramesWithDepth


1 year ago

OpenVR SDK 1.23.7


  • Added the ability to specify the pitch angle (in radians) of the overlay before curvature is applied -- to form a fan or disk. Previously, this used the global pitch angle, which prevented these overlays from being pitched independently (i.e. the cone segment or disk were always and only vertically aligned. Note: The old behavior will continue to be applied when using the older interface to avoid breaking legacy apps. Overlay applications which update to this version and were using pitched curved overlays, are now required to call SetOverlayPreCurvePitch explicitly.
  • Added WaitFrameSync. This function will block until the top of each frame, and can therefore be used to synchronize with the runtime's update rate. Note: In non-async mode, some signals may be dropped due to scene app performance, so passing a timeout of 1000/refresh rate may be useful depending on the overlay app's desired behavior.


  • Added VRRenderModelTextureFormat_RGBA16_FLOAT for loading dds textures.
  • Added mipmap support to render model textures.


  • PostPresent now takes throttling parameters. Drivers which implement this interface can set Prop_SupportsAppThrottling_Bool to enable throttling / prediction UI in per-app video settings.

Driver Interface:

  • Added VRInitError_Driver_WirelessHmdNotConnected. A driver can return this error when it expects to connect to an HMD over a wireless link, but has not yet connected. Instead of “HMD Not Found”, the user will be shown a message that encourages them to turn on their wireless headset.

App containers:

  • Added VRInitError_Init_NoServerForAppContainer. This error can be returned when VR_Init is called from a process that is running inside an application container on Windows when SteamVR is not running. In this context, SteamVR must be running before the application can start.


3 years ago

OpenVR SDK 1.16.8


  • Added support for OpenGL array textures via the Submit_GLArrayTexture flag.


  • Added support for overlays that support projections via SetOverlayTransformProjection


3 years ago

OpenVR SDK 1.14.15

New events:

  • VREvent_DesktopViewUpdating
  • VREvent_DesktopViewReady


  • Updated CreateSwapTextureSet to (optionally) allow NTHandle support


  • Added SetDisplayProjectionRaw
  • Added SetRecommendedRenderTargetSize
  • Renamed TrackedDeviceDisplayTransformUpdated -> SetDisplayEyeToHead

[git-p4: depot-paths = "//vr/steamvr/sdk_release/": change = 6100641]


4 years ago

OpenVR SDK 1.12.5


  • Added support for texture arrays

[git-p4: depot-paths = "//vr/steamvr/sdk_release/": change = 5908460]


4 years ago

OpenVR SDK 1.11.11

New events:

  • Added VREvent_WindowsMRSectionSettingChanged, which is sent whenever a setting in the "driver_holographic" section changes.
  • Added VREvent_OtherSectionSettingChanged, which is sent when a setting changes in a section that doesn't have an event of its own.

[git-p4: depot-paths = "//vr/steamvr/sdk_release/": change = 5825862]


4 years ago

OpenVR SDK 1.10.30


  • Allows scene applications access the contents of the "VR View" window, including modifying properties of their own instances of that window. See the header file for details.


  • Allows applications to read overlay textures and send mouse events to those overlays. See the header file for details.


  • Added Submit_FrameDiscontinuity flag which can be passed to Submit to identify a discontinuity with the previous frame (e.g. when the player teleports). This prevents SteamVR’s Motion Smoothing from being applied using that pair of frames.
  • IVRCompositor::Submit – Can now handle DirectX Texture Arrays. Index 0 for the left eye, Index 1 for the right eye


  • Added VRComponentProperty_IsHighlighted, which is set to true for any render model component that should be highlighted for an input binding.


  • The DualAnalog input method is no longer supported.
  • Added VROverlayFlags_WantsModalBehavior. This flag causes an overlay to get a VREvent_Modal_Cancel event whenever the user clicks off of the overlay. This is ignored for dashboard overlays.
  • Added flags for keyboard usage. “minimal mode” is now specified with KeyboardFlag_Minimal.
  • Made modal keyboard behavior optional. To get the behavior from pre-1.10 SDKs, pass KeyboardFlag_Modal.
  • Added VREvent_LockMousePosition and VREvent_UnlockMousePosition, which are sent to overlays when a user is laser mousing over the overlay and performs the LockMousePosition compositor action.
  • Removed support for rendermodels attached to overlays. This feature is no longer supported.


  • Added global action set priority. When this is enabled in settings, overlay applications can override part or all of the input available to scene applications. See the header file comments for more details.
  • Added GetDominandHand/SetDominantHand. This allows an application to flip left and right hands on bindings. Applications that support this must add “supports_dominant_hand_setting” to true in their action manifest file.
  • Added GetComponentStateForBinding. This allows applications to get the render model component transform for any component on a render model for a set of input bindings.
  • Added GetBindingVariant. This allows applications to provide multiple binding files for a controller type and determine which of them the user currently has selected. The value returned here is the “variant” field from the options block in the binding JSON file.

[git-p4: depot-paths = "//vr/steamvr/sdk_release/": change = 5759046]