OSMBuildings Versions Save

3d building geometry viewer based on OpenStreetMap data


8 years ago


  • timeline based animation support added
  • buildings grow in on load
  • new show() / hide() methods with custom selectors and optional duration
  • map.setState() for setting position, zoom, rotation etc. all at once
  • configuration option 'optimize' in order to switch anistrophic filtering and SSAO
  • methods for 3d projection/unprojection: transforms a point on 2d screen into 3d space and vice versa
  • screenshot() method


  • internal coordinate system now based on meters instead of pixel+zoom representation
  • events using much less abstraction code
  • JS files of GLMap and OSM Buildings are combined into one
  • default data tile zoom set to 15
  • whole rewrite of backend from PHP to NodeJS
  • improved object picking performance
  • distance based model for combining map tiles, increases performance
  • data read operations optimized
  • whole Color API rewritten
  • better basemap tile blending on zoom level switch
  • more optimization to detect visible tiles


  • uniform and attribute locations on shader switch
  • mouse events are now passed through, even if map is disabled
  • roofHeight for unsupported shapes fixed
  • populating buffers fixed for large OBJ files
  • more destructor fixes
  • restored idle/busy events
  • artifacts at basemap tile edges fixed


8 years ago
  • transform() method moved from GLMap to OSMBuildings
  • improved calculation of visible tiles
  • simplified internal grid handling
  • proper destruction of objects
  • added variance for default color
  • resizing fixed
  • baseURL option returned, makes locating assets much easier
  • fixed minZoom/maxZoom options for GLMap
  • added minZoom/maxZoom options for OSM Buildings, all geometry items and tile layers
  • added fixedZoom option for GeoJSONTiles


8 years ago

First stable public release. Uses semantic versioning.