Outline Versions Save

The fastest knowledge base for growing teams. Beautiful, realtime collaborative, feature packed, and markdown compatible.


2 weeks ago


  • Restores ability to use IAM roles for S3 storage integration (Regressed with SDK upgrade in 0.77.0)
  • Fixed table attributes in template lost on application
  • Fixed PDF's and images now correctly return inline content disposition on shared docs using local storage strategy
  • Fixed vertical alignment of document contents
  • Escape correctly closes command menu again when viewing a document or collection


2 weeks ago


  • Restores ARM architecture compatibility (Docker image switched from Alpine -> Debian slim)
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the app to become unresponsive when zooming out of an image
  • Restored the text field in outgoing document webhooks
  • Page scroll now resets correctly on mobile when navigating between documents
  • Tables with a single remaining column now automatically fill available width


2 weeks ago

This release regressed support for ARM processors due to an AWS SDK dependency upgrade, skip straight to v0.77.1 for those on ARM architecture.

What's Changed

This release changes how documents are rendered, allowing the introduction of new editor functionality and attributes. Highlighted for this release are some big improvements to tables:


  • Column resizing: You can now resize columns by dragging the border between them
  • Full-width tables: Tables now expand to the full width of the editor
  • More content: Table cells now support embeds, code blocks, and all other content types
  • Toggleable headers: You can now toggle a header row and column
  • Improved overflow: Tables now scroll horizontally when they're too wide for the editor
  • Improved row and column controls: We've made it one click to add rows and columns

Other improvements


New Contributors

Full Changelog: https://github.com/outline/outline/compare/v0.76.0...v0.77.0


2 months ago


  • When importing a HTML file with tables it would be imported as raw HTML if a cell contained a list or heading
  • Fixed an issue that prevented unarchiving documents
  • Fixed an issue that prevented connecting Slack channels to a collection


2 months ago

What's Changed



  • Show complete page without scrollbar in print view by @Pranav2612000 in https://github.com/outline/outline/pull/6635
  • Title emoji support in JSON import/export in https://github.com/outline/outline/pull/6660
  • HTML import no longer escapes dollar signs in code (#6638) by @panos-- in https://github.com/outline/outline/pull/6645
  • Import source data now displayed on documents in https://github.com/outline/outline/pull/6651
  • Backtick shortcut now applied correctly with languages that require composition in https://github.com/outline/outline/pull/6659
  • Fixed hover preview going out of window bounds by @apoorv-mishra in https://github.com/outline/outline/pull/6776
  • Fixed missing options in document menu for trashed documents
  • Starred section now opens if a document is starred while collapsed
  • Fixed styling of GitLab embeds
  • Added missing keyboard shortcuts to guide
  • Enabled use of self-hosted Iframely without an API key
  • Fixed squashed emails in email notifications
  • Fixed missing New doc button on collection header for users without admin
  • Fixed a race condition that could cause inline comments to be removed without user action
  • Fixed broken Mermaid diagram styling in exported HTML/PDF
  • Fixed menus with accessory in-front of label could not be navigated with keyboard letters
  • Fixed race condition in logout for OIDC providers

New Contributors

Full Changelog: https://github.com/outline/outline/compare/v0.75.2...v0.76.0


4 months ago

What's Changed


  • Regression in 0.75.1 that required MAXIMUM_IMPORT_SIZE config to be set
  • Fixed an issue where the comment sidebar would overflow the screen at tablet size


  • Removed the maximum of 10 allowed domains

Full Changelog: https://github.com/outline/outline/compare/v0.75.1...v0.75.2


4 months ago

What's Changed



  • Fixed new paragraphs are lost in table cells imported from HTML
  • Fixed an issue where tables with empty cells could fail to import from HTML
  • Fixed an issue where quoted search queries with colons could cause a server error
  • Fixed regression in styling of search filter options
  • Fixed an issue where error in OIDC login would result in infinite redirect
  • Hide image drag handles, empty captions, and selected outlines when printing in https://github.com/outline/outline/pull/6550
  • Missing highlighted context on search results page in https://github.com/outline/outline/pull/6549
  • Error for self-host draw.io by @TaoChan1005 in https://github.com/outline/outline/pull/6554
  • Propagate Enter key events in SuggestionsMenu allows pressing Enter after typed url in embed input by @superkelvint in https://github.com/outline/outline/pull/6556
  • Do not load opensearch.xml from CDN, so it uses the correct subdomain by @waf in https://github.com/outline/outline/pull/6567
  • CMD+Z now works now works when the editor component does not technically have focus
  • Served HTML lang attribute now reflects installation default language

New Contributors

Full Changelog: https://github.com/outline/outline/compare/v0.75.0...v0.75.1


4 months ago

What's Changed


This release brings a rebuild of the internal permissions in order to support inviting users to individual documents, this has been several months work and involved a complete redesign of the Share menu on documents. We have also worked to clarify public sharing and will be bringing similar enhancements to permission management in collections for the next release.

This month we also introduced AI Answers in cloud-hosted Outline. This integration allows searched questions to be answered directly from the contents of your knowledge base! We're excited to make this available on the business license – If you'd like to upgrade to a paid license to access this feature please get in touch.



New Contributors

Full Changelog: https://github.com/outline/outline/compare/v0.74.0...v0.75.0


6 months ago

Note: Minimum Node version changed to 18 – if using Docker installation this is handled for you.

Note: If using Postgres 12 or below you may require superuser permissions to run migrations due to needing to install the uuid-ossp module. Alternatively you can upgrade Postgres or install the module before running migrations.


  • Clicking on a link while editing will now automatically select the entire link
  • Mermaid diagrams are now rendered in HTML exports in https://github.com/outline/outline/issues/6205
  • Added "Share" option to document menu on mobile
  • New translations
  • Updated to Node 20 LTS
  • [API] comments.list endpoint can now be used without a document ID


New Contributors

Full Changelog: https://github.com/outline/outline/compare/v0.73.1...v0.74.0


7 months ago


Fixes an issue where new installations could not complete database migrations – for existing installations there is no benefit to update to this release from v0.73.0.