Pagermon Versions Save

Multimon-ng pager message parser and viewer


10 months ago

What's Changed

  • Add Config option to fix FA icon's no longer loading. @marshyonline

This version Fix's Font Awesome icons no longer loading on all pagermon instances. A new option is added the setting menu allowing you at add your own Font Awesome Kit ID.

This can be obtained by creating an account and creating a v5.x kit. this must be a SVG + JS Kit.

Full Changelog:


1 year ago

What's Changed

  • Revert #531 @marshyonline @DanrwAU @geelongmicrosoldering

----- all the goodies from v0.3.12 below ----

New Contributors

Full Changelog:


1 year ago

NOTE The plugins in this version are broken - See v0.3.12a for the fix:

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog:


2 years ago

This release fixes the bundled Multimon-ng Version of the Raspberry Pi Image @marshyonline


2 years ago

This Release is a hotfix release to fix start automated Raspberry Pi image building! - @marshyonline


2 years ago

This release only fixes ARMv7 Docker container building and publishing - @marshyonline


2 years ago

This release only fixes Docker container building and publishing - @marshyonline


2 years ago

What's Changed


2 years ago

Changelog as below. 

0.3.11 - 2021-05-21

  • Added EAS support, Just run multimon-ng -a EAS #432 @maxwelldps
  • Added EAS FIltering Based on FIPS and EVENT and moved jsame to git And updated jSAME to 0.1.9 #435 @MaxwellDPS
  • Fix to PDW Python ingestion script time format #439 @jjeffhendryx
  • Fix Gotify Plugin URL construction #445 @stubbers
  • Fix textAngular.css not being called in header.ejs #449 @DingosGotMyBaby
  • Fix Alias Column on iPhoneX devices #450 @DanrwAU
  • Fix Index breaking bug in #412 #452 @DanrwAU
  • Fix Broken Alias Search #453 @marshyonline
  • Fix Twitter trunication at 280 chars #461 @maxwelldps
  • Fixed Typo's #465 @geelongmicrosoldering

As always this is a BETA release, expect bugs, please report any issues via Github Issues.


4 years ago

This release addresses the following changes:

  • Downgrade discord.js package to fix crashes #415 @DanrwAU
  • Add user-agent strings for webhook plugins #416 @DanrwAU
  • Cleanup redundant code in db.js #417 @DanrwAU
  • Add Multi-User support, moves all authentication to be DB backed. #411 @DanrwAU
  • Add Unit testing #420 @DanrwAU @marshyonline

Important Notes: This release will migrate your existing user account into the messages.db(sqlite) or the mysql database being used. Removing this file will reset your user account password back to default.

Multiple changes were made to the backend while implementing unit testing, please report any bugs or unexpected behavior through issues.

As always please run an npm install after updating the files

PagermonPI - Raspberry Pi Image for Pi3 and Pi4 is a Raspberry Pi Image which has Pagermon installed already

  • Fixed process-default.json change cwd to reflect correct working directory on Pi changed the max_memory_restart to 1G

  • cleaned up /var/log folder

  • installed Pagermon 0.3.10

See Wiki for Details