Pagermon Versions Save

Multimon-ng pager message parser and viewer


4 years ago
  • Add fix allowing for greater than 100KB CSV files #397 @DanrwAU
  • Remove errant packages that shouldn't have made the release #398 @DanrwAU
  • Fix 500 errors filling the logs with errors #398 @DanrwAU
  • Convert PMX to PM2/IO #398 @DanrwAU
  • Migrated plugins from request and http to axios client #401 @SloCompTech
  • Add fix for Multi-Delete on MySQL DB #403 @DanrwAU
  • Fix Delete button on AliasDetail screen #404 @DanrwAU
  • Fix Shell Plugin callbacks #407 @all3kcis

Upgrade Notes

    • MySQL: This version alters the database structure of the messages table. This process can take up to 30 minutes on the first start after the upgrade.
    • Do not stop MySQL or Pagermon until "Database Upgrade Complete" has been logged at the console
  • npm install is required to be run in the server directory after upgrade
  • Node 12.16.0 is the latest supported version of node from 0.3.7 onwards

PagermonPI - Raspberry Pi Image for Pi3 and Pi4 is a Raspberry Pi Image which has Pagermon installed already See Wiki for Details


4 years ago
  • Add CSV Export for Aliases #383 #388 @DanrwAU
  • Add Theme support #385 @DanrwAU
  • Docker documentation update #387 @SloCompTech
  • Implement FontAwesome 5 #389 @Maaaaattee @DanrwAU
  • Readability update #390 @RyanUnderwood
  • Add title support #391 @RyanUnderwood
  • Add CSV Import for Aliases #392 @DanrwAU
  • Add fix for Sitename being blank #395 @DanrwAU @davidmckenzie

A few notes worth mentioning:

  • Node version 12.16.0 or above are required for all releases from 0.3.7 onwards.

  • Complete an npm install after upgrading files

  • This release moves all theme files, if you've modified them locally, please back them up before upgrading.

  • This release Implements FontAwesome5 which may change the look of some icons.

  • This release adds the ability to Import and Export capcodes to CSV BACKUP YOUR CAPCODES BY DOING AN EXPORT BEFORE TRYING AN IMPORT. There is little to no validation on the data going in. If you break your capcodes don't come crying to me, you have been warned.


4 years ago

IMPORTANT NOTE: Minimum supported version of node is 12.16.0 from 0.3.7 onwards If you are running an older version of node, NPM Install will fail!

  • Add Oracle support because why the heck not #345 @davidmckenzie
  • Fix new FLEX multimon format #357 @davidmckenzie
  • Changed FontAwesome to v5.13.0 + Switched to to serve #365 @MaxwellDPS
  • Docker Improvements and Auto-build with dockerhub #367 @SloCompTech
  • Add FontAwesome Shims to make 0.3.7 non-breaking #369 @DanrwAU
  • Fix Agency Searching crashing applicaiton #370 @DanrwAU
  • Docker: Fix for saving config in docker if changed UID,GID #376 @SloCompTech
  • Docker: Multistage build #377 @SloCompTech
  • Add option to relocate searchbar #378 @marshyonline, @DanrWAU

Note: FontAwesome V5 removed due to compatibility issues

Workaround for upgrading to 0.3.7 without updating node:

Edit package.json and remove line 39

"oracledb": "^4.2.0",


4 years ago

0.3.6 - 2020-03-19

  • Add Generic Webhook plugin #325 @stubbers
  • Cleanup legacy DB code, add more logging to Knex #335 @DanrwAU
  • GA De-Dupe - Resolved Dupe GA Hits. @marshyonline
  • Add front page popout. @marshyonline
  • Fix mixed content errors on admin panel @davidmckenzie
  • Fix Knex serialisation #343 @davidmckenzie
  • Enable Help Button @marshyonline


4 years ago

0.3.5 - 2019-09-06

  • Add Knex logging to Winston #311 @DanrwAU
  • Fix incorrect setting in default.json #310 @DanrwAU
  • Add Google Analytics Support @Marshyonline
  • Change Footer link to Pagermon Repo to prevent tracking @marshyonline
  • Add Login_Failed to failed login URL to allow Log Scanners to detect failed logins easier. @marshyonline


4 years ago

IMPORTANT: This version fixes an vulnerability that could cause leakage of capcodes and plugin data. We recommend upgrading immediately. This vulnerability has possibly been exploited in the wild.

0.3.4 - 2019-08-22

  • Fix error handling of messagerepeat plugin #304 @DanrwAU
  • Add support for Azure Application Insights #306 @DanrwAU
  • Fix Vulnerability in capcodeCheck route leaking capcodes and plugin data #308 @DanrwAU @marshyonline


4 years ago
  • Fixed Messages/id route #295 @SloCompTech
  • Added Prowl-Plugin. Very similar to Pushover, but just for iOS and a little different. #293 #297 @eopo
  • Fix security vulnerability - capcode route security in v0.2.2 did not account for the case sensitivity of route URIs. #292 @davidmckenzie (Thanks to TallTechDude for picking this up!)
  • Add Agency route to the API to allow listing of distinct agencies. Not used in the application as yet. #300 @DanrwAU
  • Add PDW Admin Override. Allow's admins to see messages that would normally be filtered by PDWMode, to allow creation of aliases/full visibility of received messages. #298 @marshyonline @DanrwAU
  • Fix duplicate message checking when multiple clients are sending the same message #301 @DanrwAU
  • Really fix duplicate message handling by adding tech debt #302 @davidmckenzie


5 years ago

It is strongly recommended all users upgrade to v0.3.2 due to vulnerabilities in the search allowing DoS by users MySQL and MariaDB users please ensure you read the below

MySQL/MariaDB Upgrades from 0.3.0/0.3.1 aren't possible. Users using MySQL or MariaDB will need to export their data, drop the database, recreate the database then reimport data This is due to the column changing types which could result in data loss

Fixes DoS Vulerability in search handling #286, #288 @davidmckenzie

  • Multiple Bugfixes and cleanups for Knex. Mainly around MySQL/MariaDB #281 @DanrwAU
    • Makes DB Settings required when MySQL/MariaDB Selected
    • Removes MariaDB specific settings, Knex uses the MySQL library to drive MariaDB
    • Removes old Debugging Code
    • Removes custom Trigger for creating capcodes
    • Sets column to correct autoincrementing type - BREAKING CHANGE
    • Set's Foreign Key correctly between messages.alias_id and
    • Sets correct Charset and Collation for MariaDB Compatibility
  • Add sticky buttons to all pages, standardize size and layout. #275 @DanrwAU
  • Plugin: Shell Script Plugin #154 @all3kcis


5 years ago

This release contains a fix for a denial of service vulnerability in the handling of search queries with URI encoded characters. Bug was introduced in 0.2.0 so any users running 0.2.0 - 0.3.0 are highly recommended to update immediately.

0.3.1 - 2019-05-07

  • Fixes DoS vulnerability in search handling #278 @davidmckenzie
  • Remove stripping of double quotes from messages #274 @DanrwAU
  • Hide database password and add visible toggle #273 @DanrwAU
  • Resolve migration did not return a promise errors #272 @DanrwAU


5 years ago


Known Issues

  • #264 Duplicate messages submitted at identical times may not be correctly filtered

Upgrade Notes: This is a major release with a complete rewrite of all database queries.

This may result in unintended or different behaviour to previous versions, in testing this has mainly been around searching.

Upgrades are only possible from version 0.2.3, if you are on a lower version than this, you must first upgrade to 0.2.3 then upgrade to 0.3.0



  • Compeletly rebuilt database driver to use the KnexJS query builder. #174 @DanrwAU
    • Upgrades of existing SQLite databases must be performed from v0.2.3
    • Adds EXPERIMENTAL support for MySQL - This is used at users own risk, limited testing has been performed however not recommended for production.
    • MariaDB may also work however this has not been tested at all.
    • Conversion of existing databases is up to the user. We recommend starting a new database if you would like to switch to MySQL.
    • This is super BETA, it has been tested as best as possible but bugs WILL exist. Please report via github bugtracker.
    • Database upgrades are now handled by migration files to make upgrades easier in the future.

Other Changes

  • Convince Winston to follow the laws of Physics #251 @DanrwAU
  • More complete docker support #243, #249 @nicko170
  • Fix display issues on large resolution mobile devices #241, #253 @DanrwAU
  • Update old repository URL in package.json and index.ejs #240 #252 #263 @DanrwAU @WasThisUsernameTaken
  • Add ability to select the icon size on the homepage #239 @DanrwAU
  • Fix 404 error when trailing slash added to hostname in client config #223 @DanrwAU
  • Patch Total.js CVE #232 @marshyonline
  • Message Repeat Plugin #222 @marshyonline
  • Parse timestamps in messages #72 @davidmckenzie
  • Compatibility with multimon timestamp option #57 @davidmckenzie
  • Fix URL state not updating properly on Firefox #229 @davidmckenzie
  • Updates import.js to support generic CSV import #260 @davidmckenzie
  • Added Gotify Plugin #257 @ryaneast