Pagermon Versions Save

Multimon-ng pager message parser and viewer


5 years ago

Re-release of v0.2.3 updating the application version numbers

  • Fix cookies expiring on browser close #206
  • Fix refresh aliases button not appearing #194
  • Remove solid white background from Icon images #216
  • Fix capcode routes not allowing API authentication #218


5 years ago

Note: If you are running with both Secure Mode and Hide Capcodes disabled then I strongly recommend updating now as this release contains a fix for a security vulnerability present under those conditions. When both those settings are disabled, the /api/capcodes route is accessible to unauthenticated users, and contains the plugin configuration (i.e. pushover keys, discord webhooks, etc.)

If you are affected, I'd also recommend rotating any keys that may have been exposed.

  • Fix security vulnerability - /api/capcodes route unsecured and leaking confidential info when hideCapcode and secMode both disabled #208


5 years ago
  • Added #192
  • Stopped naughty Winston from modifying objects #152
  • Added missing dependencies #153
  • Updated #163
  • Added regex replacement plugin #172
  • Client script now properly handles "KFC" flags #173
  • Client script now retries sending messages 10 times before it gives up and goes back to napping #173
  • Added additional index for... indexing things #181
  • Update documentation to point to correct FA icons #182
  • Added PDW to PagerMon python client script #183
  • Added User-Agent to Powershell client script #184
  • Fixed bug on Pushover plugin when configuration partially missing #186
  • Made cookie hostname configuration optional, to make bad stuff less bad #188
  • Added optional flag to include function codes with address on POCSAG messages #191


5 years ago

Big release with lots of changes, please ensure backups are taken of database prior to upgrade as there are a number of potentially breaking changes to the DB structure.

  • All notification engines (Telegram, Discord, etc.) have been moved to independent plugins that can be enabled/disabled globally and per-alias
  • Plugins exist for Discord, Microsoft Teams, Pushover, SMTP, Slack, Telegram, Twitter #142
  • Added plugin to filter out messages before processing
  • Plugin configuration is now stored in one big char column that holds JSON
  • Migrated to Winston logging so that the loglevel option actually works
  • Logging for HTTP vs all other things are now segregated in files under the log directory
  • Messages now sort by timestamp instead of id #148
  • Minimum address length bumped down to 2 for compatibility with POCSAG1200 #145
  • Improvements to security mode make it more secure and stuff #118 / #136
  • History state pushed to browser on page or search #120
  • Cookies now work on www and non-www domains when set properly in ENV vars #121
  • Clicking on things now makes pretty popovers #123
  • Duplicate message filtering can now be based on time, instead of last x messages #126
  • Fragmented FLEX messages are now (almost) handled properly #110

Thanks to @pyrog, @marshyonline, @DanrwAU, @all3kcis, @Shaggs, @s3m1s0n1c for their contributions!


5 years ago

Search capability has been refactored to depend on the Full Text Search (FTS3) module of SQLite. Database structure should be automagically updated on first start, however if you encounter any issues please see #102.

Dependencies have also been updated to fix a few security vulnerabilities.


5 years ago

Change adds the ability for pushover notifications to be sent to a different destination on a per-alias basis. Requires DB change per below:

ALTER TABLE capcodes ADD COLUMN pushgroup TEXT;
ALTER TABLE capcodes ADD COLUMN pushsound TEXT;

Also includes changes:

  • Make the 'edit alias' links on homepage open in new window
  • Add option to hide capcodes and source column from main UI unless admin
  • Fix for multimon's curious encoding of square brackets
  • Client console output uses the padded address for prettier text alignment
  • Fix for an undefined body in response under certain conditions

Big thanks to @DanrwAU and @marshyonline for these :)


6 years ago

Big thanks to @marshyonline for this one.

Note: DB and dependency changes required, see below.

Built in email support!

I have built in email support much like PDW. New users need to make no DB changes, anyone updating from <=0.1.4 will need to run the following:


NPM packages will also need to be updated:

$ npm install

Supports SSL/TLS Global on/off option in settings. Per alias on/of The TO address is set per alias and allow multiple recipients(Comma separated).

This update bumps the version to 0.1.5

Leverages the same query much like my pushover modification.


6 years ago

This release adds Pushover notifications, which allow you to receive push notifications on your mobile device. Notifications can be enabled on a per-alias level, with configuration options globally for the notification sound and the priority.

This release requires a change to database structure, which can be accomplished with the following command run from sqlite:


Thanks to @marshyonline for the sweet new feature!


7 years ago

This release contains a huge number of changes to the database structure, as well as a complete refactor of huge chunks of the API. Please ensure instructions are read and understood before upgrading:

Upgrade Instructions

Change Notes

  • Massive performance optimisation
  • Change to stricter capcode alias matching
  • Client updated to send new capcode format, and new message format
  • Many minor tweaks and bugfixes
  • Wiki has been created (it's really empty at the moment).


7 years ago

This release mostly contains bug fixes and minor UI tweaks.

  • Updated documentation
  • Cdnjs and unpkg includes now explicitly specify HTTPS
  • Fixed bug with async loading of includes
  • Added FLEX support and expanded POCSAG to include other bitrates
  • Capcodes can now be longer than 7 chars
  • Fixed bug with special chars in messages, improved sanitisation
  • Prevented inappropriate database closing
  • Refactored the message pushing system:
    • Incoming messages obey filters
    • Ignored messages are now actually ignored
    • Socket emit sends full message, instead of instructing clients to get it themselves (reduces load on DB and number of HTTP calls)
  • Browser now scrolls to top when clicking on a filter
  • Banner alerts now fade after 3 seconds
  • Some minor code cleanup and cute little puppies