Papercut SMTP Versions Save

Papercut SMTP -- The Simple Desktop Email Server

2 years ago


  • Upgraded to .NET Framework v4.8 (PR thanks to 1Jesper1)
  • Service doesn't overwrite settings on exit anymore.
  • Simplified HTTP binding setting for Service. Basically, "" for "all" binding works again.
  • Added Attachment Icon (PR thanks to Cload)
  • Added graceful fall-back support and error message if WebView2 isn't properly installed.
  • Fix for checking registry key for installing edge webview2 & version fixes (PR thanks to 1Jesper1)

Thank you all for your feedback and assistance with this release!

If you have any problems running Papercut UI, make sure you have installed WebView2. Available here: WebView2 Download


2 years ago


2 years ago

NOTE: Papercut SMTP now requires that Microsoft Edge WebView2 be installed. Papercut SMTP will automatically run the installation dependency if WebView2 is not available.

  • Moved to Edge (WebView2) for email display providing modern browser support for viewing.
    • Support for SVGs.
    • Support for newer HTML/CSS display.
  • Fixed: Progress bar for Forwarding Dialog displays correctly now.
  • Fixed: Multiple issues with the forwarding dialog.
  • [#193] Add logging path to settings.json (PR thanks to 1Jesper1)
  • [#192] Adds an option (defaulting to true) to enable popup notifications when a new message is received. (PR thanks to richardlawley)
  • [#189] Use first capital character in text in "proceed" and "cancel" buttons (PR thanks to 1Jesper1)


3 years ago
  • Moved to .NET Framework 4.7.2
  • Upgraded to latest dependencies (Caliburn Micro, Autofac, MahApps)
  • Fixed: Window sizes weren't binding properly.
  • Converted system to Async.
  • Added additional theme colors.
  • Updated the logo.
  • Fixed: Hide passwords in rules logging output.
  • Fixed: Don't show passwords in rules logging output.
  • [#175] Added font weight changing when message has been seen (PR thanks to LewisJohnson)
  • [#180] Fixed message not displaying in Web UI when id includes '#' symbol (PR thanks to ryan-warrener)
  • [#185] Responsive Delete button (PR thanks to rfverbruggen)


4 years ago

Papercut SMTP v5.7.0 [2020-04-05]

  • Renamed product to "Papercut SMTP" to seperate from other products.
  • Moved "Readme.eml" and logs to \ProgramData\Changemaker Studios\Papercut SMTP allowing it to be deleted.
  • Changed default save directory for Papercut UI to %ApplicationData%\Changemaker Studios\Papercut SMTP. Mail in legacy paths are still supported.
  • Added support for embedded message mime types and the ability to save the embedded eml.
  • Performance improvements loading messages.
  • Misc bug fixes.


4 years ago


5 years ago


5 years ago


5 years ago


5 years ago