Pgtyped Versions Save

pgTyped - Typesafe SQL in TypeScript


8 months ago

New features

  • Experimental mode to generate a unique typed SQL tag by @JesseVelden in
  • Generated imports are forced to be type-only where possible
  • Introduced a config variable to limit the max number of worker threads

Bug fixes

New Contributors

Full Changelog:


1 year ago

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog:


1 year ago

New features

Bug fixes

New Contributors

Full Changelog:


1 year ago

Bug fixes

Full Changelog:


1 year ago


Bug fixes:

Development changes:

  • Lerna upgraded to latest version, meaning we now use native npm workspaces.
  • Jest upgraded to latest version, number of tests rewritten to work with ESM and latest Jest. Mocking no longer supported.
  • `@pgtyped/example" Integration tests now using Jest.
  • Docs upgraded to Docusaurus 2.


New Contributors

@pgtyped/[email protected]

1 year ago


  • Support type overrides (thanks @nick-keller) 🛠️
  • Hungarian notation in interface names is now opt-in (thanks @snarky-puppy) 🇭🇺

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed the parser to support Unicode characters that were breaking some queries 🌏


1 year ago

Bug fixes:

  • Adding a query with a JsonArray type now correctly emits a Json type as well (thanks @logan12358) 📚
  • Fixed the bug where pgTyped would leave orphan worker processes after shutdown 🚸
  • Fixed invalid dbUrl in the example config file 🔗


2 years ago

New features:

  • File processing logic is now parallelized, meaning much faster runs on large codebases (thanks @golergka) 🏎️
  • Output nullability overriding that provides a workaround for Postgres type inference quirks (thanks @JesseVelden) 🎉
  • Column comments are now included in generated types (thanks @danvk) 💬
  • Stable SQL query IR preventing git diffs on irrelevant query file changes (thanks @bradleyayers) 🏛️
  • Postgres tsvector datatype now supported (thanks @bradleyayers) 🔖

Bug fixes:

  • Improved parsing of SQL comments (thanks @bradleyayers)
  • Lexer bug for params with specials chars preceding
  • Multiline comments parsing bug fixed
  • More verbose file processing messages


2 years ago

New features:

  • Support enum array types (thanks @maylukas ) 📚
  • Support SCRAM-SHA-256 authentication (thanks @JesseVelden) 🔑
  • Introduce deterministic field ordering (thanks @fmmoret) 🔢

Bug fixes:

  • Fix non-nullable parameters parsing edgecase 🐞
  • Use unknown instead of never for unsupported types (thanks @theswerd) ❔


2 years ago

New features:

  • Allow to specify param nullability as :paramName! (thanks @JohnnyCrazy) 🥇
  • Postgis point type support (thanks @joecarver ) ⚪

Bug fixes:

  • esModuleInterop: false compatibility fix (thanks @bag-man) 📦
  • Cast numeric/decimal/money as a string (thanks @jgonera) 💵