Phew Tab Versions Save

Phew AI Tab is a browser extension that helps you manage a large number of tabs easily and effectively with AI, presenting and managing them in a vertical layout.


5 months ago

[alpha-0.0.7] - 2023-1-15



  • [Fixed] The issue where the preview feature was ineffective (pages opened before installing the plugin need to be refreshed to show preview screenshots).
  • [Fixed] Lagging issues with sidepanel tabs (introduced in version 0.0.6).
  • [Fixed] Instances where automatic magic suspension was ineffective.
  • [Fixed] Misalignment between the order of tabs in the sidepanel and the browser tabs.
  • [Fixed] Issues related to the logic of automatic scrolling.




  • [修复] 预览功能失效的问题(安装插件前已打开的页面需要刷新才能出现预览截图)
  • [修复] sidepanel tab 卡顿问题 (0.0.6引入问题)
  • [修复] 某些情况下自动魔术挂起失效问题
  • [修复] sidepanel tab与浏览器tab顺序不一致问题
  • [修复] 自动滚动的一些判断问题



5 months ago

[alpha-0.0.6] - January 15, 2023


  • [New] Page screenshot preview feature: when the mouse hovers over the sidebar tab icons, a preview of the tab's page screenshot pops up (Pro version feature, known issues with incorrect screenshots on sites like YouTube, to be fixed in future updates).
  • [New] Magic Suspension feature: close tabs or windows and save them in the sidebar. Clicking on the suspended tab restores it to its original location, thereby freeing browser tabs from computer memory limitations. Suspended tabs remain effective even after reopening the browser, replacing the previous window cache feature.
  • [New] Automatic Magic Suspension, with an option to set the suspension interval, defaulting to every 30 minutes (Pro version feature).
  • [New] Magic Suspension whitelist, supporting specifications via URL, domain name, and regular expression for pages that should never be suspended. It's also possible to add the current page URL to the whitelist from the window options (Pro version feature).
  • [New] Sidebar automatically scrolls to the tab of the current page (default option, can be disabled in settings).
  • [New] Automatically collapses groups other than the one containing the current tab (non-default option, needs to be enabled in settings).
  • [New] Tab hover and selection display address.
  • [New] Group operation buttons, allowing for changing group color, disbanding groups, closing windows within a group, moving groups to a new window, and other operations.
  • [New] Display of the last visit time outside the current window.


  • [Fixed] A formatting error in OpenAI's return causing the group rule configuration panel to crash.
  • [Fixed] An issue where group colors were easily duplicated.


  • Tabs now hide URLs by default.
  • Automatic pre-group sorting changed to a non-default option, needs to be enabled in settings.
  • Improved AI grouping accuracy.
  • [Optimized] Enhanced sidebar interaction logic.
  • [Optimized] Improved sidebar display style.
  • [Optimized] Significantly faster grouping speed.

[alpha-0.0.6] - 2023-1-15


  • [新增] 页面截图预览功能,鼠标移动到侧边栏标签图标会弹出这个标签的页面截图预览(pro版本功能,已知youtube等一些站点截图不正常,后续修复)
  • [新增] 魔术挂起功能:将tab或窗口关闭并保存在侧边栏里,点击挂起的标签即可还原到原始位置,至此浏览器标签不在受电脑内存限制,挂起的标签在重新打开浏览器后依然有效,魔术挂起功能替代原先的窗口缓存功能
  • [新增] 自动魔术挂起,可设置自动挂起间隔,默认为30分钟(pro版本功能)
  • [新增] 魔术挂起白名单,支持通过url、域名和正则表达式指定永远不挂起的页面,也可以在窗口选项中将当前页url添加到白名单中(pro版本功能)
  • [新增] 侧边栏自动滚动到当前页面的tab(默认项,可在选项中关闭)
  • [新增] 自动收起当前tab所在分组之外的分组(非默认项,需要在选项中开启)
  • [新增] Tab 悬停和选择显示地址
  • [新增] 分组操作按钮,可以更改分组颜色、解散分组、关闭分组内窗口、移动分组到新窗口以及其他操作
  • [新增] 当前窗口外增加最后访问时间显示


  • [修复] OpenAI返回格式错误导致分组规则配置面板搜索白屏
  • [修复] 分组颜色很容易出现重复的问题


  • Tab默认不显示url
  • 分组前自动排序改为非默认项,需要在选项中开启
  • 提升AI分组准确度
  • [优化] 提升侧边栏交互逻辑
  • [优化] 优化侧边栏显示样式
  • [优化] 大幅提升分组速度


6 months ago

[alpha-0.0.5] - 2023-12-27


  • Added compatibility with Great Suspender-like extensions for suspended tabs.
  • Added alphabetical sorting of tabs within windows.
  • Introduced a shortcut Command+Shift+P (Ctrl+Shift+P on Windows) to toggle the sidebar.
  • Added an option to change the panel position.
  • Introduced a cohesive group display style, set as the default. The previous tag style (more prominent) can be switched back in the options.
  • Added OpenAI Proxy URL configuration.
  • Launched a visual editor for AI grouping rules.
  • Added display of tab URLs, enabled by default, with an option to hide it.


  • Fixed the issue of plugin grouping affecting pinned tabs.
  • Resolved automatic grouping malfunctions in certain scenarios.
  • Fixed styling issues during dragging.
  • Resolved the problem of dragging leading to multiple selections.
  • Fixed the inability to search within suspended, bookmarked, and history windows.
  • Improved search box accuracy and performance; the search function is now significantly more powerful than the browser's built-in feature.
  • [Critical] Fixed the issue of repeated group rules accumulating, causing chaos in grouping logic.


  • Optimized the display of tab icons.
  • Enhanced click response performance.
  • Significantly improved sidebar performance.
  • Enabling AI grouping now automatically turns on auto-grouping.


  • 新增兼容 Great Suspender 类插件挂起的tab
  • 新增窗口下按字母排序
  • 新增Command+Shift+P(Windows下为Ctrl+Shift+P) 快捷键唤出和关闭侧面版
  • 新增改变面板位置选项
  • 新增cohesive分组显示样式,并更换为默认样式,可在选项中切换回旧tag样式(更醒目)
  • 新增OpenAI Promxy URL 配置
  • 新增AI分组规则可视化编辑器
  • 新增标签url显示,并作为默认想,可在选项中设置为不显示


  • 修复插件分组功能对pinned标签的影响
  • 修复自动分组在某些情况下失效的问题
  • 修复拖动时的样式问题
  • 修复拖动后变成多选的问题
  • 修复挂起、收藏、历史窗口内无法搜索的问题
  • 修复搜索框准确性和搜索性能低及其他体验性的问题 (搜索功能现在十分强大, 远超浏览器自带)
  • [严重]修复重复分组规则不断累加导致分组规则混乱的问题


  • 优化tab图标的显示
  • 优化点击响应性能
  • 大幅提升侧边栏性能
  • 开启AI分组默认自动开启自动分组


6 months ago

[alpha-0.0.4] - 2023-12-25



  • Fixed the issue where having more than a certain number of tabs (e.g., 100) could lead to group timeouts.
  • Fixed the issue where groups were incorrectly identified as different due to case sensitivity in names.
  • Fixed the issue where automatic grouping was not effective.


  • Optimized the OpenAI request algorithm to reduce the amount of data requested, enhancing the speed and effectiveness of grouping.
  • Rewrote AI grouping rules to process requests in batches of 60 effective tabs.
  • The default internal grouping rules are now displayed in the settings panel and can be modified by the user.
  • Improved the visibility of the color bars on the right side of the sidebar for easier group identification.



  • 修复tabs大于一定数量(如100)时,导致分组容易超时的问题
  • 修复分组大小写不同识别为不同分组问题
  • 修复自动分组不生效问题


  • 优化OpenAI请求算法,减少请求内容,提升分组速度与分组效果
  • 重写AI分组规则,按照60个有效tabs进行分批请求
  • 内部默认分组规则会显示在设置面板,可自行修改
  • 优化侧边栏右侧分组颜色条,更易于识别


6 months ago

[alpha-0.0.3] - 2023-12-18



  • Fixed the issue of AI grouping not matching Chrome browser language (now using Chrome's UI default language).
  • Fixed the AI grouping rules cache invalidation issue causing frequent OpenAI requests.
  • Fixed the issue where chrome:// pages were incorrectly processed during grouping.


  • Added some grouping categories to enhance the AI grouping effect.
  • Improved the continuous AI grouping algorithm in automatic grouping mode.
  • Tabs are now sorted before AI grouping.



  • 修复AI分组与Chrome浏览器语言不符问题(使用chrome浏览器的UI默认语言)
  • 修复AI分组规则缓存失效导致频繁请求OpenAI的问题
  • 修复分组时会错误处理 chrome:// 页面的问题


  • 增加一些分组类别,以提升AI分组效果
  • 改进自动分组模式下的AI持续分组算法
  • AI分组前对Tabs进行排序


6 months ago

[alpha-0.0.2] - 2023-12-17


  • Added sorting by domain.
  • Added grouping by domain.
  • Added feature to change window names with a click.
  • Added feature to change group names with a click (automatically updates rules).
  • Added count of tabs under windows and groups.


  • Fixed issues with breaking styles on some pages and problems with upgrade pop-ups not appearing.
  • Fixed the issue of not syncing tab order changes.
  • Partially resolved the issue of auto grouping not working (however, there are still issues with window states affecting each other).



  • 新增按域名排序
  • 新增按域名分组
  • 新增点击更改窗口名称
  • 新增点击更改分组名(自动更改规则)
  • 新增窗口和group下的tab数量统计


  • 修复破坏某些页面样式及升级弹窗无法弹出问题
  • 修复不同步tab顺序变化的问题
  • 部分解决开启自动分组后不生效的问题(但目前依然有不同窗口状态相互影响的问题)



6 months ago

first version