Plasma Panel Colorizer Versions Save

Fully-featured widget to bring Latte-Dock and WM status bar customization features to the default KDE Plasma panel


1 month ago

This release is mostly a preparation before a much needed cleanup. After that is done I will include more cool stuff 😎

Bug fixes



  • Switch to RGBA for background opacity



3 months ago

Bug fixes

  • Added button to restore default block/margin/force recolor rules to fix rules not being deleted even after removing the matched widgets. Screenshot_20240402_021010

    Only required if you updated or have presets from version 0.4.0 or older

    Instructions to fix all broken presets have been provided here

  • Fixed missing color options for panel background


  • Added click support to increase/decrease value in floating text fields updown

Support the development

If you like the project you can:

"Buy Me A Coffee" Liberapay

Thank you ❤️


3 months ago

New features

  • Configurable icons/text shadow image
  • Added option to fix custom badges unreadable text image
  • Allow picking any System (Kirigami.Theme) color colors

Bug fixes

  • Fixed contrast correction for some color modes
  • Fixed original panel opacity requiring custom background to work
  • Don't remove widget rules when they are not in the panel being configured


Support the development

If you like the project you can:

"Buy Me A Coffee" Liberapay

Thank you ❤️


3 months ago

New features

  • Margins control to unify heights & extra margins for widgets
  • Contrast correction for all color modes
  • New widget background line mode
  • Include tray widgets in force icon color
  • Preset management
  • Support for app tray icon colorization
  • Preset auto-loading on floating panel / Maximized window
  • System color option for custom color modes
  • Spacing control
  • Widget background margin

Bug fixes

  • Allow blacklisting the System Tray widget
  • Fix unreadable BadgeOverlay
  • Fix colors not updating for window buttons widget
  • Fix color animation not working sometimes
  • Don't rotate colors in static mode


  • Only reload window buttons widget when fg colors change
  • Use list of current widgets for blacklist/force/margins
  • Show last preset loaded





4 months ago


  • Added option to show the widget only when panel is in panel editing mode.
  • System tray position was removed since it wasn't working.

Full Changelog:


4 months ago

First usable release all features should work but expect some bugs here and there.

Plasma 6 only but may be ported to plasma 5 if there's interest (PRs welcome)