PostProcessing Versions Save

Post Processing Stack


6 years ago
  • Greatly improved CPU performances in the volume framework.
  • Better handling of multi-editing in the editor.
  • Added assembly definition files.
  • Renamed "mobile optimized" fields to "fast mode".
  • General platform compatibility improvements.
  • Various fixes when working with scriptable render pipelines.
  • Fixed a color banding bug when working in LDR in 2017.3.
  • Fixed anamorphic bloom.
  • Fixed broken layer masking & priority management.
  • Fixed linear/srgb issues in the color grading editor in 2018.1+.


6 years ago
  • Better XR support overall (WIP). Unity 2017.2 and later are recommended.
  • Refactored MSVO for support in scriptable render pipelines.
  • Fixed various bugs and platform compatibility issues.


6 years ago
  • Added a first version of Screen-Space Reflections.
  • Added VR support to Temporal Anti-aliasing (2017.3+ only).
  • Added debug overlays & color blindness simulators (add the PostProcessDebug component to your scene to access them).
  • Added support for HDR grading on platforms without compute/tex3d support
  • Better version control integration (Perforce).
  • Fixed various bugs and platform compatibility issues.


6 years ago
  • Added a new ambient occlusion method: multi-scale volumetric obscurance.
  • Added support for custom AO color.
  • Added a NaN killer (enabled by default).
  • Added an "anamorphic" setting to bloom.
  • Added alpha-propagation to most effects to allow post-processing to render against a transparent background.
  • Lens Dirt now keeps its aspect ratio.
  • The package now automatically sets a global define (UNITY_POST_PROCESSING_STACK_V2) when it's imported (can be used to check if v2 is currently available in the project).
  • Fixed various bugs and platform compatibility issues.

Full changelog.


6 years ago
  • Fixed NaNs with Screen-space Reflections.
  • Fixed Depth of Field on very low end platforms without float texture support.
  • Fixed flickering Ambient Occlusion with recent Nvidia drivers.


6 years ago

First public beta release. Read the quickstart guide.


7 years ago
  • Changed the stack behavior with regards to depthTextureMode handling for better compatibility with other post-processing assets.
  • Fixed a precision issue with color grading.
  • Added the enable toggle back on Fog to allow custom fog effects in Deferred.
  • Fixed color grading compatibility issues on low-end mobiles (quality will be downgraded on platforms without any proper floating point texture support).
  • Fixed a DX9 issue with Depth of Field when working in Linear.
  • Fixed a color banding bug in linear with some camera setups.


7 years ago
  • Bug fixes.
  • Added temporal filtering to Depth of Field when Temporal Anti-aliasing is active.


7 years ago
  • Fixed Temporal Anti-aliasing on ShaderModel 5.0 compatible hardware not being correctly applied.
  • Fixed Temporal Anti-aliasing not working correctly with transparent objects when FOV is changed dynamically.
  • Reduced the number of shader variants (9216 -> 2592) for faster compilation times.
  • Removed Round Vignette mode, it's now a toggle in Classic mode.
  • Reworked the Fog to use settings from RenderSettings instead of overriding them.
  • Reworked the Eye Adaptation UI a bit, and use proper units.