PowerAL Save

A Powershell module that helps you identify AppLocker weaknesses

Project README


Current version: 0.95

Version control will not be 100% until I have reached version 1.0. I use this area as my work area to commit my code. After version 1.0 I will be using a DEV branch instead for rolling changes.

PowerAL is a Powershell module for interacting with AppLocker rules. Module is designed to be able to run in Constrained language mode. The goal with the module is to easily be able to identify AppLocker weaknesses/config flaws. This module is a work in progress. First version (0.63) was released at DerbyCon.

  1. Run Powershell -ep unrestricted
  2. Import-module PowerAL.psd1

Current list of functions:

  • Expand-PALPath
  • Get-PALPathStatus
  • Get-PALPoshV2Installed
  • Get-PALPublisherStatus
  • Get-PALRules
  • Get-PALRuleSectionStatus
  • Get-PALServiceStatus
  • Get-PALMissingADSRules
  • Get-PALMissingAllowedPaths
  • Get-PALWriteableAllowedPaths
  • Get-PALWriteablePaths
  • Invoke-PALAllInfo
  • Invoke-PALBypassPwn
  • Invoke-PALCLMTempBypass
  • Invoke-PALExploitableRules
  • Invoke-PALKnownBypasses <- Not working

Change log

version 0.95:

  • Added ExceptionsAsDeny to Get-PALRules
  • Created Get-PALMissingADSRules
  • Adjustment of functions to use ExceptionsAsDeny to handle exceptions
  • Refactored Get-PALPathStatus

version 0.90:

  • Allowed pipe to expand-palpath
  • Get-PALRulesNative created - Must still be used for OfflineXML checking
  • Added rerun to Get-PALWriteableAllowedPaths
  • Changed Get-PALWriteAblePaths to keep previous scans in Global variables (memory). Also it is optimalized to not scan the same area twice.
  • Removed Invoke-PALRemoveCachedPath since all is done in memory
  • ADS support on Expand-PALPath
  • Changed name from Get-PALRulesStatus to Get-PALRuleSectionStatus
  • Wrote Get-PALRules by getting AppLocker rules from Registry instead of using the native way leveraging Get-AppLockerPolicy
  • Added support for multiple paths to Expand-palpath
  • Get-PALMissingAllowedPaths created
  • Rewrote Get-PALEXploitablerules, added check for ADS and some other stuff
    • many more things I forgot to write down
Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "PowerAL" Project. README Source: api0cradle/PowerAL
Open Issues
Last Commit
4 years ago

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