Preact Compat Versions Save

ATTENTION: The React compatibility layer for Preact has moved to the main preact repo.


7 years ago
  • Tweak ES Modules and UMD builds so that we don't ship .default for UMD/CJS, but do for ES Modules (Fixes #321 & #320)


7 years ago
  • Refs/render() should return inner instance for renderSubtreeIntoContainer() (#296, thanks @windyGex)
  • Fix a duplication bug when re-rendering root components that swap their base (#301)
  • Allow children in the props argument of cloneElement() (#317, thanks @tkh44)
  • Update preact-render-to-string to 3.6.0, adjusting self-closing tag SSR for XHTML (#302)
  • We now ship an ES Modules build without ES2015 to make Webpack 2 users happy ?


7 years ago
  • Fix onChange normalization for textarea + input[type=file|radio|checkbox] (#288)
  • Fix issue when running under a mixed preact-compat / react environment that could cause PFCs to receive no props (#292, thanks @bebraw)


7 years ago
  • Fix component state leakage (developit/preact#413)
  • Size optimizations


7 years ago
  • Expose event.nativeEvent (#291)
  • Fix children normalization for element VNodes (zeit/next.js#910)


7 years ago
  • Add support for defaultValue (#280, thanks @gholtslander-va!)
  • Fix for radio buttons not working with onChange (#287, thanks @cedmax!)


7 years ago
  • Add methods passed to createClass to the new class' prototype (#250)
  • Prevent onChange from firing twice on checkboxes (#247 / developit/preact#358)
  • Export ReactComponentWithPureRenderMixin from lib (#255)
  • Merge mixin return values (#240)
  • Fix Children API incompatibilities (#236)
  • Add support for onDoubleClick alias of native onDblClick (#264) (#272)

Thank you to everyone who made this release: @chrishinrichs @pekala @aweary @Stuk @linde12 @rokoroku


7 years ago
  • Adds a noop for lib/ReactPerf (just to prevent import failures)


7 years ago
  • Fix ReferenceError in lib/ReactTransitionEvents
  • Add event.persist() method (does nothing since there's no custom event GC here) (#234)
  • Enable PropTypes when process.env.NODE_ENV is any value other than "production" (#244, thanks @vpr99!)


7 years ago
  • Autobind createClass properties before calling the constructor (developit/preact#234) ?