Prosodic Save

Prosodic: a metrical-phonological parser, written in Python. For English and Finnish, with flexible language support.

Project README


Prosodic is a metrical-phonological parser written in Python. Currently, it can parse English and Finnish text, but adding additional languages is easy with a pronunciation dictionary or a custom python function. Prosodic was built by Ryan Heuser, Josh Falk, and Arto Anttila. Josh also maintains another repository, in which he has rewritten the part of this project that does phonetic transcription for English and Finnish. Sam Bowman has contributed to the codebase as well, adding several new metrical constraints.

This version, "Prosodic 2", is a near-total rewrite of the original Prosodic.

Supports Python>=3.8.


1. Install python package

For now, pip-install directly from github:

pip install git+

2. Install espeak

Install espeak, free text-to-speak (TTS) software, to ‘sound out’ unknown words.


Web app

Prosodic has a new GUI (graphical user interface) in a web app. After installing, run:


Then navigate to It should look like this:



Read texts

# import prosodic
import prosodic

# load a text
sonnet = prosodic.Text("""
Those hours, that with gentle work did frame
The lovely gaze where every eye doth dwell,
Will play the tyrants to the very same
And that unfair which fairly doth excel;
For never-resting time leads summer on
To hideous winter, and confounds him there;
Sap checked with frost, and lusty leaves quite gone,
Beauty o’er-snowed and bareness every where:
Then were not summer’s distillation left,
A liquid prisoner pent in walls of glass,
Beauty’s effect with beauty were bereft,
Nor it, nor no remembrance what it was:
But flowers distill’d, though they with winter meet,
Leese but their show; their substance still lives sweet.

# can also load by filename
shaksonnets = prosodic.Text(fn='corpora/corppoetry_en/en.shakespeare.txt')

Stanzas, lines, words, syllables, phonemes

Texts in prosodic are organized into a tree structure. The .children of a Text object is a list of Stanza's, whose .parent objects point back to the Text. In turn, in each stanza's .children is a list of Line's, whose .parent's point back to the stanza; so on down the tree.

# Take a peek at this tree structure 
# and the features particular entities have, incl_phons=True)
|   Stanza(num=1)
|       Line(num=1, txt='Those hours, that with gentle work did frame')
|           WordToken(num=1, txt='Those', sent_num=1, sentpart_num=1)
|               WordType(num=1, txt='Those', lang='en', num_forms=1)
|                   WordForm(num=1, txt='Those')
|                       Syllable(ipa='ðoʊz', num=1, txt='Those', is_stressed=False, is_heavy=True)
|                           Phoneme(num=1, txt='ð', syl=-1, son=-1, cons=1, cont=1, delrel=-1, lat=-1, nas=-1, strid=0, voi=1, sg=-1, cg=-1, ant=1, cor=1, distr=1, lab=-1, hi=-1, lo=-1, back=-1, round=-1, velaric=-1, tense=0, long=-1, hitone=0, hireg=0)
|                           Phoneme(num=3, txt='o', syl=1, son=1, cons=-1, cont=1, delrel=-1, lat=-1, nas=-1, strid=0, voi=1, sg=-1, cg=-1, ant=0, cor=-1, distr=0, lab=-1, hi=-1, lo=-1, back=1, round=1, velaric=-1, tense=1, long=-1, hitone=0, hireg=0)
|                           Phoneme(num=3, txt='ʊ', syl=1, son=1, cons=-1, cont=1, delrel=-1, lat=-1, nas=-1, strid=0, voi=1, sg=-1, cg=-1, ant=0, cor=-1, distr=0, lab=-1, hi=1, lo=-1, back=1, round=1, velaric=-1, tense=-1, long=-1, hitone=0, hireg=0)
|                           Phoneme(num=4, txt='z', syl=-1, son=-1, cons=1, cont=1, delrel=-1, lat=-1, nas=-1, strid=0, voi=1, sg=-1, cg=-1, ant=1, cor=1, distr=-1, lab=-1, hi=-1, lo=-1, back=-1, round=-1, velaric=-1, tense=0, long=-1, hitone=0, hireg=0)
|           WordToken(num=2, txt=' hours', sent_num=1, sentpart_num=1)
|               WordType(num=1, txt='hours', lang='en', num_forms=2)
|                   WordForm(num=1, txt='hours')
|                       Syllable(ipa="'aʊ", num=1, txt='ho', is_stressed=True, is_heavy=True, is_strong=True, is_weak=False)
|                           Phoneme(num=2, txt='a', syl=1, son=1, cons=-1, cont=1, delrel=-1, lat=-1, nas=-1, strid=0, voi=1, sg=-1, cg=-1, ant=0, cor=-1, distr=0, lab=-1, hi=-1, lo=1, back=-1, round=-1, velaric=-1, tense=1, long=-1, hitone=0, hireg=0)
|                           Phoneme(num=3, txt='ʊ', syl=1, son=1, cons=-1, cont=1, delrel=-1, lat=-1, nas=-1, strid=0, voi=1, sg=-1, cg=-1, ant=0, cor=-1, distr=0, lab=-1, hi=1, lo=-1, back=1, round=1, velaric=-1, tense=-1, long=-1, hitone=0, hireg=0)
|                       Syllable(ipa='ɛːz', num=2, txt='urs', is_stressed=False, is_heavy=True, is_strong=False, is_weak=True)
|                           Phoneme(num=2, txt='ɛː', syl=1, son=1, cons=-1, cont=1, delrel=-1, lat=-1, nas=-1, strid=0, voi=1, sg=-1, cg=-1, ant=0, cor=-1, distr=0, lab=-1, hi=-1, lo=-1, back=-1, round=-1, velaric=-1, tense=-1, long=1, hitone=0, hireg=0)
|                           Phoneme(num=4, txt='z', syl=-1, son=-1, cons=1, cont=1, delrel=-1, lat=-1, nas=-1, strid=0, voi=1, sg=-1, cg=-1, ant=1, cor=1, distr=-1, lab=-1, hi=-1, lo=-1, back=-1, round=-1, velaric=-1, tense=0, long=-1, hitone=0, hireg=0)
|                   WordForm(num=2, txt='hours')
|                       Syllable(ipa="'aʊrz", num=1, txt='hours', is_stressed=True, is_heavy=True)
|                           Phoneme(num=2, txt='a', syl=1, son=1, cons=-1, cont=1, delrel=-1, lat=-1, nas=-1, strid=0, voi=1, sg=-1, cg=-1, ant=0, cor=-1, distr=0, lab=-1, hi=-1, lo=1, back=-1, round=-1, velaric=-1, tense=1, long=-1, hitone=0, hireg=0)
|                           Phoneme(num=3, txt='ʊ', syl=1, son=1, cons=-1, cont=1, delrel=-1, lat=-1, nas=-1, strid=0, voi=1, sg=-1, cg=-1, ant=0, cor=-1, distr=0, lab=-1, hi=1, lo=-1, back=1, round=1, velaric=-1, tense=-1, long=-1, hitone=0, hireg=0)
|                           Phoneme(num=4, txt='r', syl=-1, son=1, cons=1, cont=1, delrel=0, lat=-1, nas=-1, strid=0, voi=1, sg=-1, cg=-1, ant=1, cor=1, distr=-1, lab=-1, hi=0, lo=0, back=0, round=-1, velaric=-1, tense=0, long=-1, hitone=0, hireg=0)
|                           Phoneme(num=4, txt='z', syl=-1, son=-1, cons=1, cont=1, delrel=-1, lat=-1, nas=-1, strid=0, voi=1, sg=-1, cg=-1, ant=1, cor=1, distr=-1, lab=-1, hi=-1, lo=-1, back=-1, round=-1, velaric=-1, tense=0, long=-1, hitone=0, hireg=0)
|           WordToken(num=3, txt=',', sent_num=1, sentpart_num=1)
|               WordType(num=1, txt=',', lang='en', num_forms=0, is_punc=True)
|           WordToken(num=4, txt=' that', sent_num=1, sentpart_num=1)
|               WordType(num=1, txt='that', lang='en', num_forms=3)
# take a peek at it in dataframe form
sonnet.df   # by-syllable dataframe representation
sonnet      # ...which will also be shown when text object displayed (in a notebook)
word_num_forms syll_is_stressed syll_is_heavy syll_is_strong syll_is_weak word_is_punc
stanza_num line_num line_txt sent_num sentpart_num wordtoken_num wordtoken_txt word_lang wordform_num syll_num syll_txt syll_ipa
1 1 Those hours, that with gentle work did frame 1 1 1 Those en 1 1 Those ðoʊz 1 0 1
2 hours en 1 1 ho 'aʊ 2 1 1 1 0
2 urs ɛːz 2 0 1 0 1
2 1 hours 'aʊrz 2 1 1
3 , en 0 0 0 1
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
14 Leese but their show; their substance still lives sweet. 1 1 7 substance en 1 2 tance stəns 1 0 1 0 1
8 still en 1 1 still 'stɪl 1 1 1
9 lives en 1 1 lives 'lɪvz 1 1 1
10 sweet en 1 1 sweet 'swiːt 1 1 1
11 . en 0 0 0 1

195 rows × 6 columns

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Prosodic" Project. README Source: quadrismegistus/prosodic
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3 months ago

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