Python Benedict Versions Save

:blue_book: dict subclass with keylist/keypath support, built-in I/O operations (base64, csv, html, ini, json, pickle, plist, query-string, toml, xls, xml, yaml), s3 support and many utilities.


3 months ago
  • Fix clean method not working on nested dicts. #383
  • Enforce top level keys check in merge method. #367
  • Bump requirements and pre-commit hooks.


6 months ago
  • Fix calling from_xls passing custom options. #355
  • Replace Black and isort with Ruff-format.
  • Bump requirements and pre-commit hooks.


7 months ago
  • Add Python 3.12 support. (#342)
  • Add possibility to restrict input data sources with sources argument (more info here). #287
  • Add from_html method (available by installing the optional [html] dependency, more info here). #317
  • Bump requirements.


9 months ago
  • Fix items and values methods returned values type (cast to benedict). #333
  • Fix union with assignment operator inconsistent results (compared to dict). #334
  • Bump requirements.


11 months ago
  • Add CLISerializer and from_cli method. (by @Denperidge in #311)
  • Bump requirements.


1 year ago


1 year ago
  • Allow ini format to support nested structures (encode to json only dicts). #284
  • Prevent clearing dict instance when assigning value to itself. #294


1 year ago

What's Changed

Full Changelog:


1 year ago
  • Add keyattr_dynamic property (False by default). #261 (#266)
  • Make ini serializer case-sensitive by default and accept optionxform option. #263 (#265)
  • Fix TypeError when decoding .xls with None columns.
  • Improve decoding errors traceback.
  • Bump requirements.


1 year ago
  • Fix missing dependency on pyyaml. #260
  • Fix protected keys in json items preventing automatic keys creation when getting __protected__ attributes. #259