Pytorch Gan Metrics Save

Pytorch implementation of common image generation metrics.

Project README

Pytorch Implementation of Common Image Generation Metrics



pip install pytorch-image-generation-metrics

Quick Start

from pytorch_image_generation_metrics import get_inception_score, get_fid

images = ... # [N, 3, H, W] normalized to [0, 1]
IS, IS_std = get_inception_score(images)        # Inception Score
FID = get_fid(images, 'path/to/fid_ref.npz') # Frechet Inception Distance

The file path/to/fid_ref.npz is compatiable with the official FID implementation.


The FID implementation is inspired by pytorch-fid.

This repository is developed for personal research. If you find this package useful, please feel free to open issues.


  • Currently, this package supports the following metrics:
  • The computation procedures for IS and FID are integrated to avoid multiple forward passes.
  • Supports reading images on the fly to prevent out-of-memory issues, especially for large-scale images.
  • Supports computation on GPU to speed up some CPU operations, such as np.cov and scipy.linalg.sqrtm.

Reproducing Results of Official Implementations on CIFAR-10

Train IS Test IS Train(50k) vs Test(10k)
Official 11.24±0.20 10.98±0.22 3.1508
ours 11.26±0.13 10.97±0.19 3.1525
ours use_torch=True 11.26±0.15 10.97±0.20 3.1457

The results differ slightly from the official implementations due to the framework differences between PyTorch and TensorFlow.


Prepare Statistical Reference for FID

  • Download the pre-calculated reference, or
  • Calculate the statistical reference for your custom dataset using the command-line tool:
    python -m pytorch_image_generation_metrics.fid_ref \
        --path path/to/images \
        --output path/to/fid_ref.npz
    See for details.

Inception Features

  • When getting IS or FID, the InceptionV3 model will be loaded into torch.device('cuda:0') by default.
  • Change the device argument in the get_* functions to set the torch device.

Using torch.Tensor as images

  • Prepare images as torch.float32 tensors with shape [N, 3, H, W], normalized to [0,1].
    from pytorch_image_generation_metrics import (
    images = ... # [N, 3, H, W]
    assert 0 <= images.min() and images.max() <= 1
    # Inception Score
    IS, IS_std = get_inception_score(
    # Frechet Inception Distance
    FID = get_fid(
        images, 'path/to/fid_ref.npz')
    # Inception Score & Frechet Inception Distance
    (IS, IS_std), FID = get_inception_score_and_fid(
        images, 'path/to/fid_ref.npz')

Using PyTorch DataLoader to Provide Images

  1. Use pytorch_image_generation_metrics.ImageDataset to collect images from your storage or use your custom

    from pytorch_image_generation_metrics import ImageDataset
    from import DataLoader
    dataset = ImageDataset(path_to_dir, exts=['png', 'jpg'])
    loader = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=50, num_workers=4)

    You can wrap a generative model in a dataset to support generating images on the fly.

    class GeneratorDataset(Dataset):
        def __init__(self, G, noise_dim):
            self.G = G
            self.noise_dim = noise_dim
        def __len__(self):
            return 50000
        def __getitem__(self, index):
            return self.G(torch.randn(1, self.noise_dim))
    dataset = GeneratorDataset(G, noise_dim=128)
    loader = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=50, num_workers=0)
  2. Calculate metrics

    from pytorch_image_generation_metrics import (
    # Inception Score
    IS, IS_std = get_inception_score(
    # Frechet Inception Distance
    FID = get_fid(
        loader, 'path/to/fid_ref.npz')
    # Inception Score & Frechet Inception Distance
    (IS, IS_std), FID = get_inception_score_and_fid(
        loader, 'path/to/fid_ref.npz')

Load Images from a Directory

  • Calculate metrics for images in a directory and its subfolders.
    from pytorch_image_generation_metrics import (
    IS, IS_std = get_inception_score_from_directory(
    FID = get_fid_from_directory(
        'path/to/images', 'path/to/fid_ref.npz')
    (IS, IS_std), FID = get_inception_score_and_fid_from_directory(
        'path/to/images', 'path/to/fid_ref.npz')

Accelerating Matrix Computation with PyTorch

  • Set use_torch=True when calling functions like get_inception_score, get_fid, etc.

  • WARNING: when use_torch=True is used, the FID might be nan due to the unstable implementation of matrix sqrt root.

Tested Versions

  • python 3.9 + torch 1.13.1 + CUDA 11.7
  • python 3.9 + torch 2.3.0 + CUDA 12.1


This implementation is licensed under the Apache License 2.0.

This implementation is derived from pytorch-fid, licensed under the Apache License 2.0.

FID was introduced by Martin Heusel, Hubert Ramsauer, Thomas Unterthiner, Bernhard Nessler and Sepp Hochreiter in "GANs Trained by a Two Time-Scale Update Rule Converge to a Local Nash Equilibrium", see

The original implementation of FID is by the Institute of Bioinformatics, JKU Linz, licensed under the Apache License 2.0. See

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Pytorch Gan Metrics" Project. README Source: w86763777/pytorch-image-generation-metrics

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