Qgis2threejs Save

3D map visualization and web export plugin for QGIS

Project README

Qgis2threejs plugin

This is a QGIS plugin which visualizes DEM and vector data in 3D on web browsers. You can build various kinds of 3D objects and generate files for web publishing in simple procedure. In addition, you can save the 3D model in glTF format for 3DCG or 3D printing.


Online document: https://minorua.github.io/Qgis2threejs/docs/

Browser Support

See plugin wiki page.


This plugin is powered by the following JavaScript libraries and resources:

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Qgis2threejs" Project. README Source: minorua/Qgis2threejs
Open Issues
Last Commit
1 month ago

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