Qgis2web Versions Save

QGIS plugin to export your project to an OpenLayers or Leaflet webmap. No server-side software required.


3 weeks ago

qgis2web graphical interface

  • organized appearance tab and added "Title" export variable
  • "cluster" choice during export will be visible only if layer is "point" and with single symbol symbology solves issue 953

openlayers and leaflet

  • added the possibility to export the project title in 4 corners of the map as happens for abstract solves issue #702 #762 Example "lower left": image
  • svg icons in legend have dynamic size without coming out of preview square (this works both in case of a single, categorized and graduated symbology) solves issue #702 #380 #705


  • added project "Title" and "Abstract" description export solves issue #702
  • restored geocoder icon in preview window
  • greatly simplified and organized js and css export code; ol-controls elemets (controls/buttons) acquire automatic position
  • adjusted custom color and background for all ol-controls elements (controls/buttons) Example: image
  • disabled "popup on hover" and "highlight on hover" if I move mouse pointer over an ol-control element (controls/buttons)
  • in case of categorized or graduated symbol it is possible to use the same svg icon several times with different symbologies properties solves issue #380 #705 image


  • adjusted width of layerswitcher elements in case of categorized or graduated symbology
  • adjusted popup size in case of presence of media (image) solves issue #1073


  • update WIKI documentation for all in this release


1 month ago


  • popup is able to show videos supported by the browser (extensions now supported are: gif|jpg|jpeg|tif|tiff|png|avif|webp|svg and mp4|webm|ogg|avi|mov|flv) solves stack question
  • fixed popup's height and width, image and video contents (thanks to @JanKirchhoff) solves issue #1061
  • commented projection's extension in layers.js and qgis2web.js files (it did not allow the correct map visibility)
  • svg icon is clearly visible in legend even in case of large dimensions (svg icon is shown directly, not qgis png's legend) (thanks to @geraldo) #732
  • support for colored svg icons (fill and border) solves issue #380


  • .js and .css files referring to layerslist are stored in the export folder only if layerslist is visible
  • fixed svg icons border width solves issue #380


  • updated writeAsVectorFormat function that was deprecated (thanks to @agiudiceandrea) solves issue #1056


  • updated documentation


3 months ago

qgis2web supports layer groups

Exporting layer groups

  • both OpenLayers and Leaflet exports achieve layer groups (non-nested) exportability solves issue #155 #175 #351 #485 #641 #678 #738 #754 #756 #926 #935 #977 #989 #1001 #1016 #1029
  • adapt the 'highlight on hover' and 'popup on hover' functionalities to work when layer groups are present solves issue #983 #1011
openlayers leaflet
image image

Revised "Layers and Groups' tab" design

  • groups and layers' list is sorted as in QGIS (previously, layer groups were moved below individual layers) and layer groups contains layers
  • "Popups" choice is positioned as the last item in the list options, becomes a drop-down menu, closes if check is not selected and disappears if there are no exportable popup fields solves issue #760
  • "Popup fields" ' attributes are displayed in italics and are aligned in the same column as the parent (previously, they appeared in the last column and with long names, they were difficult to use because the window needed to be scrolled to the right) solves issue #440
  • "visibility" and "popups" choices for groups are removed (currently unnecessary).
before after
image image

New layerswitcher for Leaflet

For Linux User

  • Excluded WIKI and Preview functionality for Linux users who are unable to install and use QtWebKit (So the plugin will launch and be usable without these features) solves issue #266 #309 #358 #474 #523 #625 #749 #1019

Minor changes

  • openlayers export acquires by default declutter:false (at webmap load, all features will be visible and queryable, even if they are overlapping) solves issue #915 #919 #1032
  • xyz openlayers layers do not acquire type:base by default (with only one basemap, it's possible to disable it to have a white background)
  • fix export for text-field that contains more then 255 characters, thanks to @anonymous378 solves issue #947
  • Fix highlighting of multi-point and multi-line geometries for both OpenLayers and Leaflet solves issue #589
  • Fix Leaflet error for mouse out of cluster: "e.target._eventParents[i].resetStyle is not a function" solves issue #510


  • Modified WIKI graphics for better readability (navigation menù at the top)
  • Update WIKI section


3 months ago

Fixed blocking bug. It is now possible to read the new value format of the symbollayer color property since QGIS version 3.36 Reference https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/pull/55718

Thanks to @agiudiceandrea

resolves issue #1053 #1054


4 months ago

Online WIKI section merges with the Help tab of qgis2web. The docs folder of the repository is created, which is displayed online as GitHub pages at link https://qgis2web.github.io/qgis2web/ , and locally loaded into the qgis2web's WIKI tab (instead of Help Tab).


4 months ago

OpenLayers Layerswitcher:

  • Restored layer title in absence of style (a user can now set only the labels of a layer without necessarily setting a style with transparent fill and outline; it is possible to leave the layer without style).

OpenLayers Popup:

  • Fixed bug: now popup is visible on click even if "highlight on hover" setting is active, thanks to @cukavac.
  • Greatly improved OpenLayers popup graphics, both for desktop and smartphone (revised pointer, shadow, close button, height, width, overlap, etc.). Maximum popup height and width = 70% of the viewport resolves issue #493 #532
  • Added "popuplayertitle" variable in layer, which allows printing layer title in popup (important as OpenLayers allows querying multiple overlapping features with a single click, and through the layer title, the belonging layer will be distinguishable).
  • Added maximum height and width for images in popup (now, regardless of size, images are resized to be fully visible, even on smartphones). Maximum image height and width = 50% of the viewport image

OpenLayers Cluster:

  • Fixed bug: features data set as clusters are now shown in openlayers popup both on click and with active hover.

Leaflet Layerswitcher:

  • Restored layer title in absence of style (a user can now set only the labels of a layer without necessarily setting a style with transparent fill and outline; it is possible to leave the layer without style).

Leaflet Popup:

  • Added maximum height and width for images in popup (now, regardless of size, images are resized to be fully visible, even on smartphones). Maximum image height and width = 50% of the viewport resolves issue #892 #1003
  • Added maximum height and width popup content = 70% of the viewport resolves issue #493 #532 #791
  • Fixed the problem of different popups on the first click and on the second (investigating it was discovered that for the incorrectly displayed popup leaflet added a class that showed the second different popup). Added a script to immediately show the second type of popup in case of images and adjusted its appearance like the first popup) resolves issue #892 maybe it solves the issue #605

Leaflet overlay-pane:

  • Changed overlay-pane z-index. Measurement now appears above the basemaps and layers, as well as the popup, as well as geolocate user resolves issue #985 #718 #918


5 months ago
  • Fixed representation of dash lines, dot lines and dash-dot lines for lines, polylines and polygon strokes for both openlayers and leaflet export resolves issues #1048

  • Added Set All combo box which allows you to set layers list options massively resolves issues #833

  • Modified options for Popup Fields input box are as follows:

    • no label (displays only data in the popup without showing the field name)
    • inline label - always visible (displays field name on the same line as data)
    • inline label - visible with data (displays field name on the same line as data, only if data is present)
    • hidden (keeps information in the popup hidden at all times)
    • header label - always visible (displays field name above data)
    • header label - visible with data (displays field name above data, only if data is present) resolves issues #834 #1035 #995
  • Fix apostrophes or double quotes in layer names or in legend values resolves issues #1022

  • If layer's style is "No Symbols" the layer's name will not be visible in legend


5 months ago
  • Fixed representation of dash lines, dot lines and dash-dot lines for lines, polylines and polygon strokes for both openlayers and leaflet export resolves issues #1048

  • Added Set All combo box which allows you to set layers list options massively resolves issues #833

  • Modified options for Popup Fields input box are as follows:

    • no label (displays only data in the popup without showing the field name)
    • inline label - always visible (displays field name on the same line as data)
    • inline label - visible with data (displays field name on the same line as data, only if data is present)
    • hidden (keeps information in the popup hidden at all times)
    • header label - always visible (displays field name above data)
    • header label - visible with data (displays field name above data, only if data is present) resolves issues #834 #1035 #995
  • Fix apostrophes or double quotes in layer names or in legend values resolves issues #1022

  • If layer's style is "No Symbols" the layer's name will not be visible in legend


6 months ago
  • disable Mapbox GL JS export
  • new openlayers geocoder: fix its marker and smartphone view
  • reorganized OpenLayers/Leaflet folders
  • fix openlayers layerswitcher height which did not allow the use of the pointer in the part occupied by the element.


6 months ago

Fix openlayers wms query:

  • the wms query is now visible in the popup;
  • only visible layers on the map will be queried, not all;
  • the tables returned by the WMS server will have a defined text size;
  • a loading icon has been added which makes it clear that the click on the map has been made and that the popup is waiting for the remote WMS server to respond.

solves the problem: #1014 #343