Ravilea Discord Raid Bot Save Abandoned

A Discord Bot that allows you to protect your Discord server with captcha, anti profanity, anti nudity image, anti spam, account age required, logs...

Project README



Supports Windows, Linux, Mac. (Tested on Windows 10 Education/Professional and Mac OS)


  • Nuke ( Fuck the server )
  • Mini nuke
  • Clear all
  • Clear all channels
  • Clear text
  • Clear voice
  • Clear roles
  • Ban all
  • Create Text and text & voice channels ( loop )
  • Give all ( give all server members all existing roles )
  • Create roles ( with the name of your choice )
  • Spam roles
  • Spam ( the text of your choice in the channel )
  • Spam members ( send a private message to all members of the server )
  • Server ( change name and remove server icon )
  • Link ( receive a link to learn how to raid a server )

To edit the text , check the lines 69 to 86


You can use

Python 3.5 to Python 3.7.10


I am not responsible for any bans you might/will receive using Raid ToolBox, Nor am I responsible for damages caused with Raid ToolBox, or other peoples actions with this program.

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Ravilea Discord Raid Bot" Project. README Source: Ravilea/Discord-Raid-Bot

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