React Collapsed Save

Headless UI for for creating flexible and accessible expand/collapse components in TS/JS.

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🙈 Collapsed

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Headless UI for building flexible and accessible animating expand/collapse sections or disclosures. Animates the height of elements to auto.

npm install react-collapsed

—> View installation and usage docs here! <—

Experimental Framework Adapters

react-collapsed is stable and ready to use. I've also been exploring a rewrite with a framework-agnostic core that's also available with a few different framework adapters (indicated with the @collapsed/ namespace). Here's a breakdown to clarify what's available and their stability:

Package Stable
react-collapsed ✅
@collapsed/core 🚧
@collapsed/react 🚧
@collapsed/solid 🚧
@collapsed/lit 🚧
Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "React Collapsed" Project. README Source: roginfarrer/collapsed
Open Issues
Last Commit
1 week ago

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