React Hook Form Versions Save

📋 React Hooks for form state management and validation (Web + React Native)


2 weeks ago

⚛️ close #11932 enable react 19 peer dependency (#11935) 👮‍♀️ close #11954 getFieldState remove unnessaried inValidating and touched subscription (#11995) 🐞 fix #11985 logic createFormControl check field before usage (#11986) ⌨️ fix: enforce type safety for deps property in RegisterOptions (#11969) 🐞 fix #11922 keep dirty on reset with dirty fields (#11958) 🚔 close #11937 add validation in the cleanup process in useController (#11938) Revert "⌨️ close: correct type of error field in getFieldState return object (#11831)" 📖 fix: change info.values type in WatchObserver (#11917)

thanks to @nakaakist, @IdoBouskila, @pincy and @peinguin


1 month ago

📖 fix broken link to examples in (#11805) ⌨️ close: correct type of error field in getFieldState return object (#11831) 🐞 fix #11842 radio buttons not disabled when multiple share a name (#11873) 🐞 fix #11821 set value with disabled false before mount (#11880) 🐞 fix setError to preserve existing errors elsewhere in the object (#11888) ⌨️ fix: add info.value type to WatchObserver (#11872) 🫡 fix issue with internal set api (#11915)

thanks to @mjr2595 @erashu212 @SimonJTurner and @peinguin


2 months ago

👹 close #11778 improve unregister omit key with getValues method (#11779) 🐞 fix #11794 issue: Fields dirty state is not updated when passing values to useForm


2 months ago

🐞 fix #11773 regression on dirty check with reset (#11775)


3 months ago

🐞 fix #11719 validation stuck on true state (#11723)


3 months ago

🐛 bug(validatingFields, trigger): handle all fields validation trigger (#11624) 💚 ci: cleanup actions versions (#11629) 🐞 fix #11590 issue with trigger on validatingFields (#11613)

thanks to @Moshyfawn


4 months ago

💬 add isValidating and validatingFields to field state (#10657)

const { formState: { validatingFields } } = useForm({ mode: 'onBlur' });

⌨️ chore: replace ts-ignore with ts-expect-error (#11573) 🧗‍♂️ chore: update lib dev deps (#11548) 💅 related #11541 improve dirty check when undefined provided with reset api 😾 fix #11514 issue under strict mode reset invoke twice reset mounted field names with keepDirtyValues (#11546) 🤡 fix flush root render hack (#11521) 🧽 chore: removed unused utils and resp. test cases (#11476) 🐞 close #11503 issue dirty field update with async validation (#11509)

Revert "🔧 fix data param in handleSubmit when TTransformedValues is a union type (#11420)" Revert "✨ feat(values): priorities values over defaultvalues (#11399)" (#11545)

❤️ Thanks to @deepgolani4, @pbankonier and @deepgolani4 ❤️ Thank you for your contribution


4 months ago

🥲 Regression: Revert "⌨️ fix #10734 watch and useWatch without parameters return type (#11359)"


5 months ago

🔧 fix data param in handleSubmit when TTransformedValues is a union type (#11420) 👷 build(Engines): remove pnpm dependency (#11425) 🐞 fixes #11386 get new dirtyFields when reset keeping defaults and dirty values (#11401) 🏷️ improve CustomElement type (#11309) 💫 feat(useForm): leave formState flags in a consistent state when throwing in handleSubmit onValid (#11214) ⌨️ fix: change DeepPartial to account for object union types & unknown (#11385) ✨ feat(values): priorities values over defaultvalues (#11399) 🐞 close #11246 skip root validation on action when mode and revalidate mode is onSubmit (#11395) 💩 fix #11322 trigger extra re-render with useWatch plus shouldUnregister (#11394) ⌨️ fix #10734 watch and useWatch without parameters return type (#11359) 🧑‍✈️ fix #11281 issue with upgrade node version (#11392) 🐞 fix #11368 keep form state mounted when keeping values (#11384) 🐞 fix #11374: Nested deep partial with unknown (#11373)

thanks to @Moshyfawn, @jonahallibone, @eladattias1996, @RulerOfCakes, @anonkey, @Ar4ys, @IanVS and @r-kataoka11


5 months ago

🐛 fix(formState, disabled): infer controlled disabled form state (#11361) 🐛 fix(reset): remove global reset option flag (#11355) 🐛 fix(useController): check if disabled state was set by user (#11353) 🖨️ fix: Change DeepPartial type definition to be compatible with unknown (#11333) 🐞 fix #11328 resetField with object as defaultValue (#11329)

thanks to @Moshyfawn, @geeee and @RulerOfCakes