React Native Animated Tabbar Versions Save

A 60FPS animated tab bar with a variety of cool animation presets 😎


3 years ago
  • fix: downgrade redash version to v14 3856e62
  • docs: updated material example readme file 8dee86c


3 years ago
  • fix: updated container style type #99


3 years ago
  • chore: update dependencies #81
  • refactor: clean up code base #78
  • feat: added Reanimated v2 compatibility (by @danielwinkler) 3df1de8


3 years ago
  • chore: added tabBarVisible support for react-navigation 5 #69
  • docs: updated readme file to clarify TS vs JS examples #63
  • chore: added icon with badge example 66f9cce


3 years ago
  • chore: update dependencies #62
  • refactor: updated presets types #61
  • chore: extract AnimatedTabBar props to types file 4d38cf8
  • docs: added js example f022e8c


3 years ago
  • feat: add material preset #60
  • chore: updated types to allow presets to extend animated tab bar props #59
  • refactor: clean up presets #57
  • refactor: moved presets into a folder #56


4 years ago
  • fix: updated reading indicator color check #53
  • feat: allow parent to control animated index #50
  • fix: fixed extracting navigation state for RN 4 f132e11


4 years ago
  • chore: support icon class component #43
  • chore: updated styled examples 8e248e1
  • chore: allow user to override safeAreaInsets 20b2141
  • chore: updated presets icon type 8d85da2


4 years ago
  • Fix typo in docs #42
  • feat: add accessibility support #41
  • feat: support long press #40
  • chore: added flatlist to examples d9fe3bb
  • docs: updated readme file 65a3c79


4 years ago
  • feat: support standalone usage #38
  • docs: fixed a typo in README #35
  • chore: rename routes to tabs for tabbar view #37