React Numpad Versions Save

A numpad for number, date and time, built with and for React.


4 years ago

Major changes

  • Autopositioning: now when the NumPad is position outside the window, it will be autopositioned inside.
  • Rewrite of the codebase with hooks :metal:

Bug fixes

  • Fix positioning by removing the props globally from ThemeProvider.
  • Fix sign when positive -0/+0
  • Fix onoutsideclick validation value
  • Fix useKeyboard hook
  • Fix input disabled

Minor changes

  • minor styling update
  • removed react-icons
  • Improve test coverage
  • Add demo page in storybook


6 years ago


  • It's now possible to change the NumPad position with the following values for position: flex-start, center, flex-end


6 years ago

New features

  • Add date range validation with minDate, maxDate to NumPad.Calendar component as props.


6 years ago

Add Calendar component. It is now possible to have a input calendar with <NumPad.Calendar />


6 years ago

Add defaultValue attribute.


6 years ago

Bug fix:

  • Custom child component did receive props on dom element, dateFormat and displayRule props didn't work.


  • Update to the latest version for all dependencies
  • React starting from version 16.2.0 is required.


6 years ago

First release


6 years ago
  • NumPad is now wrapped inside react-portal to work also in modals
  • It's now possibile to override the input field as child component. <NumPad><MyCustomInput /></NumPad>