Redpanda Versions Save

Redpanda is a streaming data platform for developers. Kafka API compatible. 10x faster. No ZooKeeper. No JVM!


1 week ago

Bug Fixes

  • Fix timequery failing with exceptions when the queried partition is empty. by @nvartolomei in #19950


  • Schema Registry: Improve handling of Accept and Content-Type by @BenPope in #19880
  • #19877 rpk debug bundle now fallback to loaded profile's admin API URLs if we fail to discover the cluster in the collection steps. by @r-vasquez in #19878
  • #19881 #19882 #19883 #19884 rpk debug bundle mark the generated bundle file with the node's advertised_rpc address. by @r-vasquez in #19885
  • #19881 #19882 #19883 #19884 rpk debug bundle now collects the log since yesterday by default, you can still change them with --logs-since. by @r-vasquez in #19885
  • #19895 rpk: group describe supports --regex flag by @daisukebe in #19896
  • refined vectorized_raft_leadership_changes_total metric by @mmaslankaprv in #19891

Full Changelog:


2 weeks ago

Bug Fixes

  • fixed overflow that may lead to unnecessary moves by @mmaslankaprv in #19803
  • rpk cluster config get: does not round float numbers anymore. by @r-vasquez in #18850
  • PR #18835 [v24.1.x] Fixed possible log discrepancy when using forced reconfiguration by @mmaslankaprv
  • PR #19313 [v24.1.x] cpu_profiler: prealloc result buffers by @StephanDollberg
  • PR #19801 [v24.1.x] s/disk_log_impl: don't prefix-truncate empty segments by @ztlpn
  • PR #19808 [v24.1.x] t/fetch_test: wait longer for leadership after stepping down by @mmaslankaprv


  • Run directory walking during cache trimming concurrently. On some deployments it was observed that it can take hours for 600K objects with busy reactor during which fetch operations that need to cache data are blocked. by @nvartolomei in #19815
  • #19831 Don't try to transfer leadership to just restarted nodes when balancing leaders. by @ztlpn in #19832
  • new metric providing more insight into recovery process by @mmaslankaprv in #18840
  • reduced the amount of data required to transfer over the network by @mmaslankaprv in #19834
  • PR #18854 [v24.1.x] cst: manual backport of chunk download changes PR 18278 by @abhijat

Full Changelog:


2 weeks ago


  • Adds configuration options to trigger cache trim before the cache reaches its maximum size. by @jcipar in #19624
    • cloud_storage_cache_trim_threshold_size
    • cloud_storage_cache_trim_threshold_objects These mirror the options for controlling maximum size: cloud_storage_cache_size and cloud_storage_cache_max_objects
  • The new default behavior, if these are not set, is to trigger a trim when the cache is 100% full. by @jcipar in #19624
  • #18739 Schema Registry: Support /mode endpoints for READONLY by @BenPope in #18742

Bug Fixes

  • Fixes a bug where crashes within the redpanda http client could occur when encountering tls exceptions by @graphcareful in #18696
  • #18633 rpk: fixes an error in rpk topic consume that prevented the usage of the --regex flag. by @r-vasquez in #18634
  • #18734 Fixes incorrect ordering of arguments in the cloud cache trim admin endpoint. by @andrwng in #18764
  • #18770 Fixes a bug that would allow requests to complete that created acls for topics with invalid kafka topic names by @graphcareful in #19791
  • fixed overflow that may lead to unnecessary moves by @mmaslankaprv in #19805
  • rpk cluster config get: does not round float numbers anymore. by @r-vasquez in #18849
  • PR #18784 [v23.3.x] raft: fix node_id mismatch log message by @ztlpn
  • PR #18855 [v23.3.x] Fixed possible log discrepancy when using forced reconfiguration by @mmaslankaprv
  • PR #18573 rm_stm: couple of stability fixes noticed when down scaling max_concurrent_producer_ids by @bharathv


  • Short description of how this PR improves existing behavior. by @jcipar in #19624
  • #18645 rpk: topic describe supports --regex flag by @daisukebe in #18646
  • made fast partition movements easier to debug. by @mmaslankaprv in #18689
  • reduced the amount of data required to transfer over the network by @mmaslankaprv in #19835
  • PR #18741 [v23.3.x] cloud_storage_clients: check for BlobNotFound in abs_client::do_delete_path() by @WillemKauf
  • PR #19838 [v23.3.x] s/disk_log_impl: don't prefix-truncate empty segments by @ztlpn

Full Changelog:


3 weeks ago


  • Split cache into buckets using cloud_storage_cache_num_buckets configuration parameter. by @Lazin in #18780

Bug Fixes

  • Fixes a bug that would allow requests to complete that created acls for topics with invalid kafka topic names by @graphcareful in #18769
  • #18735 Fixes incorrect ordering of arguments in the cloud cache trim admin endpoint. by @andrwng in #18763

Full Changelog:


1 month ago

Bug fix

  • Fix connect so it work's with rpk parent autocomplete

Full Changelog:


1 month ago

Bug Fixes

  • concurrent requests of set_log_level + expiration now work as expected by @andijcr in #18437


  • #18643 rpk: topic describe supports --regex flag by @daisukebe in #18644
  • #18675 rpk now will exit (1) when running rpk with unknown commands by @r-vasquez in #18676
  • made fast partition movements easier to debug. by @mmaslankaprv in #18690

Full Changelog:


1 month ago


  • Schema Registry: Support /mode endpoints for READONLY by @BenPope in #18623
  • Schema Registry: Support for deleted=true query parameter on POST /subjects/<subject>. by @BenPope in #18433
  • #18458 rpk: ability to transfer partition leadership by @daisukebe in #18459

Bug Fixes

  • Don't mark partition rebalance complete if some partitions are not moveable (e.g. due to partial recovery mode) by @ztlpn in #18518
  • Enforce client quota throttling in a Kafka-compatible way, meaning we enforce the throttle delay on the next request if the client did not enforce it on its side. by @pgellert in #18568
  • Fixes a bug in the http client where a crash may occur in the event certain tls verification errors are observed by @graphcareful in #18428
  • #18439 Fixed an assertion triggering in a full-disk scenario by @andijcr in #18440
  • #18565 Fix an edge case where a timequery returns no results if it races with tiered storage retention and garbage collection. This is important at least for consumers that fall behind retention. They interpret such response as the partition is empty and jump to the HWM instead of resuming consuming from the first available message. by @nvartolomei in #18597
  • #18631 rpk: fixes an error in rpk topic consume that prevented the usage of the --regex flag. by @r-vasquez in #18632
  • fixes possible stall in raft::state_machine_manger by @mmaslankaprv in #18638
  • PR #18392 [v24.1.x] archival: clamp uploads to committed offset by @ nvartolomei


  • Made electing a leader faster by @mmaslankaprv in #18493
  • PR #18448 [v24.1.x] cloud_storage: correct list_object() request headers and parameters (manual backport) by @WillemKauf
  • PR #18476 [v24.1.x] rptest: be more permissive with errors in stress fibers test by @andrwng
  • PR #18488 [v24.1.x] tests: wait for messages before adding a node to cluster by @mmaslankaprv
  • PR #18503 [v24.1.x] storage: change map type for _db in kvstore by @ WillemKauf
  • PR #18520 [v24.1.x] Made client id parsing vcluster aware by @ mmaslankaprv
  • PR #18560 [v24.1.x] cst/ducktape: Accept errors due to gap in manifest by @abhijat
  • PR #18588 [v24.1.x] archival: Disable housekeeping jobs on startup by @ Lazin
  • PR #18620 [v24.1.x] tests: fix replaced segments accounting in TopicRecoveryTest by @ztlpn
  • PR #18639 [v24.1.x] schema_registry: Make mode_mutability: true by default by @BenPope

Full Changelog:


1 month ago


  • Schema Registry: Support for deleted=true query parameter on POST /subjects/<subject>. by @BenPope in #18432
  • #18460 rpk: ability to transfer partition leadership by @daisukebe in #18461

Bug Fixes

  • Fix initial_leader_epoch/KIP-320 handling in fetch requests. It was ignored until now which prevented consumers to correctly detect suffix truncation. For Redpanda (and Raft), this is a minor problem since suffix truncation is a very improbable event. by @nvartolomei in #17728
  • #17957 Fix incorrect log truncations caused by delayed replication requests. by @ztlpn in #18523
  • #18282 #18566 Fix a scenario where list_offset with a timestamp could return a lower offset than partition start after a trim-prefix command. This could lead to consumers being stuck with an out-of-range-offset exception if they began consuming from an offset below the one which was used in the trim-prefix command. by @nvartolomei in #18599
  • #18282 #18566 Fix an edge case where a timequery returns no results if it races with tiered storage retention and garbage collection. This is important at least for consumers that fall behind retention. They interpret such response as the partition is empty and jump to the HWM instead of resuming consuming from the first available message. by @nvartolomei in #18599
  • #18443 Fixed an assertion triggering in a full-disk scenario by @andijcr in #18444
  • #18517 Don't mark partition rebalance complete if some partitions are not moveable (e.g. due to partial recovery mode) by @ztlpn in #18522
  • #18569 Enforce client quota throttling in a Kafka-compatible way, meaning we enforce the throttle delay on the next request if the client did not enforce it on its side. by @pgellert in #18575
  • concurrent requests of set_log_level + expiration now work as expected by @andijcr in #18438
  • fixes possible stall in raft::state_machine_manger by @mmaslankaprv in #18637


  • Made electing a leader faster by @mmaslankaprv in #18625
  • #17951 Schema Registry: Improve retry logic for delete_config and delete_subject_permanent by @BenPope in #18624
  • #17951 Schema Registry: Improve tombstoning when deleting a subject by @BenPope in #18624

Full Changelog:


1 month ago


  • Re-adds the fetch_read_strategy cluster config property to select between polling and non-polling fetch implementations. Uses the non-polling fetch implementation by default. by @StephanDollberg in #18176
  • #18163 rpk container start: now starts a Redpanda Console container connected with the cluster. by @r-vasquez in #18164
  • rpk container now has a set of flags to specify ports for node to start on. by @r-vasquez in #18148

Bug Fixes

  • Fix a bug validating WebAssembly when global constants are specific values that have the encoded byte 0x0B. by @rockwotj in #18108
  • Fix a bug where an invalid buffer passed into the WebAssembly host from the guest could cause Redpanda to abort. by @rockwotj in #18234
  • Fix a scenario where list_offset with a timestamp could return a lower offset than partition start after a trim-prefix command. This could lead to consumers being stuck with an out-of-range-offset exception if they began consuming from an offset below the one which was used in the trim-prefix command. by @nvartolomei in #18281
  • #18100 Better mapping of REST error codes by @mmaslankaprv in #18102
  • #18158 Fix issuing timequeries to cloud storage if is not enabled. by @WillemKauf in #18159
  • #18240 Fixes a crash caused by a race between a client disconnect and a segment reader in tiered storage. by @andrwng in #18241
  • #18317 Fixes expiration for transactions that have begun and not produced any data batches. This prevents a stalling LSO. by @bharathv in #18324
  • PR #18051 [v24.1.x] Address oversized allocs across kafka API and schema registry by @oleiman
  • PR #18125 [v24.1.x] cluster_recovery_backend_test: fix unsafe iteration by @andrwng
  • PR #18141 [v24.1.x] Fixes for wait_ms cpu profiler mode by @StephanDollberg
  • PR #18216 [v24.1.x] controller_backend: prevent busy-looping when removing partitions by @ztlpn
  • PR #18222 [v24.1.x] tx/tm_stm: fix unboundedness of _pid_tx_id by @bharathv
  • PR #18328 [v24.1.x] Change information stored in _topic_node_index to avoid oversized alloc by @ballard26
  • PR #18406 [v24.1.x] Fix some concurrent memory access problems in partition balancer by @ztlpn


  • Improve cloud storage cache to prevent readers from being blocked during cache eviction. by @Lazin in #18134
  • #18150 rpk container start: You can now select the subnet and gateway to create your 'redpanda' network. by @r-vasquez in #18151
  • allow interpreting 'retention_duration' = -1 in a topic_manifest.json file as infinite time retention by @andijcr in #18243
  • rpk container now starts the seed broker using the default listener ports. by @r-vasquez in #18148
  • PR #18117 [v24.1.x] wasm/parser: better global support by @rockwotj
  • PR #18128 [v24.1.x] c/balancer_backend: first initialize planner and then call plan by @mmaslankaprv
  • PR #18194 [v24.1.x] configuration to enable delete retention for consumer offsets by @bharathv
  • PR #18228 [v24.1.x] CORE-1752: cst: Downgrade error logs to debug by @abhijat
  • PR #18269 [v24.1.x] [CORE-2581] cst: move chunk downloads to remote segment bg loop by @abhijat
  • PR #18321 [v24.1.x] rpk: stop using args[0] in cloud cluster select by @r-vasquez
  • PR #18318 [v24.1.x] offline_log_viewer: fix get_control_record_type by @bharathv

Full Changelog: