Ritwickdey Organic Shop Save

A shopping site building with Angular 4 and Firebase.

Project README

Organic shop

A Shopping Website build with Angular 4 and Firebase.


  • Only Admin can perform Create/Edit/Delete operations & upload photos of items.
  • Normal User can buy items & view their own orders.
  • Admin can access all orders
  • Login through Facebook & Gmail
  • Cart System
  • Realtime updates (through Firebase Realtime Database).

Tech Stuff Used

  • Angular 4 (Frontend)
  • Firebase Realtime Database (Backend)
  • Firebase authentication

To run the project locally:

To use your own Firebase Database change the api key from firebase-key

    > git clone https://github.com/ritwickdey/organic-shop.git
    > cd organic-shop/
    > npm install
    > npm start -- --host

[The project is from an awesome Angular 4 course (BY MOSH HAMEDANI) which I've taken from Udemy.]

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Ritwickdey Organic Shop" Project. README Source: ritwickdey/organic-shop
Open Issues
Last Commit
6 years ago

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