Rlayers Versions Save

React Component Library for OpenLayers


1 month ago
  • Drop React 16/17, React 18 is now required
  • For OpenLayers 9.2.3


1 month ago
  • Do not support multiple OpenLayers versions, link each rlayers to one OpenLayers minor version
  • Support light-weight RenderFeatures, these are opt-out for vector tile layers and opt-in for vector layers
  • Use the same level of typing as OpenLayers
  • For OpenLayers 9.2.2


1 month ago
  • Fix #252, stop event propagation when the event handler returns false
  • Add React 18.3 as a test target


3 months ago
  • Support OpenLayers 9.1.0
  • Fix #220, use correct event names for RModify in TypeScript


4 months ago
  • Support OpenLayers 9.0.0


7 months ago
  • Support OpenLayers 8.2.0
  • Support using TypeScript generics to specify the feature geometry type for vector layers


7 months ago
  • Support OpenLayers 8.0.0 and 8.1.0
  • Replace RLayerStamen with RLayerStadia which requires OpenLayers 8.0.0


10 months ago
  • Vastly improved event handling performance avoiding expensive forEachFeatureAtPixel on layers that do not have event handlers
  • Add the useOL() and useRLayersComponent() component hooks allowing to easily access the containing OpenLayers and rlayers components
  • Layer event handlers are now independent of feature event handlers, if both the feature and its containing layer have declared an event handler, both will be called
  • Fix onClick handlers on RLayerVectorTiles layers
  • Use TypeScript protected and private to restrict methods that are not expected to be directly used from user code
  • Support all positioning options in ROverlay
  • Support OpenLayers 7.5.1


11 months ago
  • Fix #169, support TypeScript 5.x
  • Add onFeaturesLoadStart and onFeaturesLoadError events to all vector layers
  • Fix #163, DOMException when removing an ROverlay


1 year ago
  • Vastly improved event handling performance avoiding expensive forEachFeatureAtPixel on layers that do not have event handlers
  • Add the useOL() and useRLayersComponent() component hooks allowing to easily access the containing OpenLayers and rlayers components
  • Layer event handlers are now independent of feature event handlers, if both the feature and its containing layer have declared an event handler, both will be called
  • Fix onClick handlers on RLayerVectorTiles layers
  • Use TypeScript protected and private to restrict methods that are not expected to be directly used from user code
  • Support all positioning options in ROverlay