Rlayers Versions Save

React Component Library for OpenLayers


1 year ago
  • Support OpenLayers 7.4.0


1 year ago
  • Declare RLayerRasterMBTiles and RLayerVectorMBTiles as public exports


1 year ago
  • Add remote .mbtiles support with ol-mbtiles
  • Add new rlayers-specific events to RLayerWMTS and RLayerRasterMBTiles to distinguish them from the OpenLayers onSourceReady events
  • Fix #149, RLayerWMTS visible property does not trigger a refresh
  • Add onPointerLeave handlers for vector tiles


1 year ago
  • Support OpenLayers 7.3.0
  • Allow using projections other than Web Mercator with RVectorTile (the vector tile projection must still match the view projection)
  • Fix [#133], certain layer properties do not update if they transition from a defined value to undefined
  • Fix #144, update WMTS layers only when the metadata is changed
  • Add a RLayerGeoTIFF custom component, resolves #145


1 year ago
  • Support additional <RMap> properties, including disabling of the rotation
  • Fix [#109], interactions do not support JSX styles
  • Add event callbacks to RDraw and RModify
  • Allow setting of wrapX for vector layers
  • Fix [#121], reprojected tile layers do not automatically refresh when setting the URL


1 year ago
  • Support OpenLayers 7.2.2


1 year ago
  • Support OpenLayers 7.2.0
  • Add RLayerImage for displaying a static image as a map
  • Add RBackground for setting background properties of RText
  • Support all Text parameters in OpenLayers
  • Add RGraticule for displaying a graticule


1 year ago
  • Fix [#85], dynamic properties of RText are not updated
  • Fix [#89], support inline styles in RLayerVectorTile


1 year ago
  • Support OpenLayers 7.1.0
  • Fix [#80], error when compiling the layers control with TypeScript 4.8
  • Fix [#82], direct enumeration of features does not work with clustering


1 year ago
  • Support OpenLayers 7.0.0
  • Support React 18.2
  • Correctly use &nbsp as a default placeholder value for RMousePosition