RPG Maker MV Decrypter Versions Save

You can decrypt RPG-Maker-MV Resource Files with this project ~ If you don't wanna download it, you can use the Script on my HP:


2 years ago


  • Drag and Drop areas for files are now a lot bigger and also show the area were you can drop the files.
  • Drag and drop areas show a text that stuff can dropped there
  • Overall UI design was improved


3 years ago


  • Support for RPG-Maker MZ encrypted Files (.png_, .ogg_, .m4a_)
  • Key-Detection from Encrypted Images (.rpgmvp & .png_)


4 years ago


  • No-Key solution for PNG-Images (.rpgmvp)
  • Bootstrap (For designing)
  • New interface
  • Dependency List


  • File-List works now with class-names instead of id selectors
  • Fixed small bugs where a string was compared with null (always false conditions)


5 years ago

I just added some small but important changes...


  • Detection function for the rpg_core.js (also for LZ-Compressed Files erpg_core.js Files)


6 years ago

This is the first Main Version, which has all Main-Functions


  • Mass Downloading Files with ZIP-Download
  • LZ-String decoding if System.json is encoded with it


  • Clear Filelist clears now Memory


7 years ago

This release has mayor improvements to the last one.

You can now also (Re-)ENCRYPT. Downloading is much more comfortable. You can now setup more deeper stuff for en/decryption (like header info) You can now ignore/validate the header of the file

Changed style of the page a little and added icons^^


7 years ago

This version is able to decrypt RPG Maker MV files. It is very annoying to use (especially if you have huge amounts of files and/or try to restore your RPG Maker MV Project). This Version won't work on every browser please use Firefox (50+) for this Version This Version is not able to restore the Project-File (used to edit the game)