Rpi Boat Utils Save

Utilities for Raspberry Pi, mostly for usage on a boat. Includes UART control scripts, traffic measurement tools for Mikrotik (RouterOS) and OpenWrt, AIS wireless daemon, AIS decoder and an extensible boat & IoT sensor daemon for Signal K.

Project README

Boat and Raspberry Pi Utilities

This repository contains a collection of utilities and tools for Raspberry Pi. They are primarily for usage on a boat, for bringing in Internet, integrating marine electronics, sensors and marine protocols.

That being said, some of the utilities are relevant for non-boat usage (like uart_control), some of the utilities do not require to be run on a Raspberry Pi (like gpsd2nmea, aisd or aisplay) and some have nothing to do with boats or Raspbbery Pi directly (like traffic_counter). This is a catch-all repository for auxiliary utilities I developed for my boat.


Tool for configuring the UART on a Raspberry Pi.


Daemon for translating gpsd messages to raw NMEA messages to be used in iNavX, iSailor etc.


Code and instructions for measuring traffic consumed on Mikrotik(RouterOS) and OpenWrt routers.


Arduino code to turn dometic sensor readings into variable voltages for displays like Simarine Pico.


Daemon for retrieving pressure, temperature and humidity from a BME280 based sensor and storing them in InfluxDB, for visualizing on a Grafana dashboard.


Web Service for displaying AIS vessels on a map.


Signal K Daemon for integrating a variety of different DIY Raspberry Pi sensors to a Signal K network.


(Unmaintained / Obsolete) Daemon for making a serial or USB based AIS (Automatic Identification System) receiver wireless enabled.

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Rpi Boat Utils" Project. README Source: itemir/rpi_boat_utils
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1 year ago

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