Ruby Jwt Versions Save

A ruby implementation of the RFC 7519 OAuth JSON Web Token (JWT) standard.


2 weeks ago

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Fixes and enhancements:


4 months ago

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Fixes and enhancements:


4 months ago

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  • Updated rubocop to 1.56 #573 (@anakinj)
  • Run CI on Ruby 3.3 #577 (@anakinj)
  • Deprecation warning added for the HMAC algorithm HS512256 (HMAC-SHA-512 truncated to 256-bits) #575 (@anakinj)
  • Stop using RbNaCl for standard HMAC algorithms #575 (@anakinj)

Fixes and enhancements:

  • Fix signature has expired error if payload is a string #555 (@GobinathAL)
  • Fix key base equality and spaceship operators #569 (@magneland)
  • Remove explicit base64 require from x5c_key_finder #580 (@anakinj)
  • Performance improvements and cleanup of tests #581 (@anakinj)
  • Repair EC x/y coordinates when importing JWK #585 (@julik)
  • Explicit dependency to the base64 gem #582 (@anakinj)
  • Deprecation warning for decoding content not compliant with RFC 4648 #582 (@anakinj)
  • Algorithms moved under the ::JWT::JWA module (@anakinj)


11 months ago

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Fixes and enhancements:


1 year ago

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Fixes and enhancements:

  • Fix issue with multiple keys returned by keyfinder and multiple allowed algorithms #545 (@mpospelov)
  • Non-string kid header values are now rejected #543 (@bellebaum)


1 year ago

v2.6.0 (2022-12-22)

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Fixes and enhancements:

  • Raise descriptive error on empty hmac_secret and OpenSSL 3.0/openssl gem <3.0.1 #530 (@jonmchan).


1 year ago

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Fixes and enhancements:

  • Bring back the old Base64 (RFC2045) deocode mechanisms #488 (@anakinj).
  • Rescue RbNaCl exception for EdDSA wrong key #491 (@n-studio).
  • New parameter name for cases when kid is not found using JWK key loader proc #501 (@anakinj).
  • Fix NoMethodError when a 2 segment token is missing 'alg' header #502 (@cmrd-senya).
  • Support OpenSSL >= 3.0 #496 (@anakinj).


2 years ago

v2.4.1 (2022-06-07)

Fixes and enhancements:

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2 years ago

v2.4.0 (2022-06-06)

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Fixes and enhancements:


2 years ago

v2.4.0 (2022-05-03)

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Implemented enhancements:

  • Ensure presence of claims #244
  • Support verifying signature signed using x5c header #59
  • Add x5c header key finder #338 (bdewater)

Security fixes:

  • Importing JWK then exporting results in different kid #313

Closed issues:

  • Is there a way to decode a ES256 encoded JWT with a root certificate but without a public key or a private key? #471
  • Encode output with extra quote #469
  • Please release new gem version #444
  • HS512 signature verification fails for valid tokens #438
  • ArgumentError: invalid base64 while calling JWT::JWK.import(hash) #361
  • NoMethodError (undefined method `encode' for JsonWebToken:Module) #329

Merged pull requests: