Rule34 API Wrapper Save Abandoned

Simplifying access to the API asynchronously

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This is a simple module for simplifying access to the API asynchronously

To assist bot developers, this wrapper doesnt use requests at all. Instead it uses aiohttp. And to assist people who arent coding asynchronously, theres a class called Sync that allows this module to work without worrying about coroutines.

How do i use it?

Documentation can be found in the wiki:

If you arent coding asynchronously, simply use this code

import rule34
rule34 = rule34.Sync()

If you are coding asynchronously use this code:

import rule34
rule34 = rule34.Rule34([your event loop])
await rule34.getImages("SearchQuery")

For an example use case see: Rule34 Downloader

How do i install this?

From Pypi:

pip install rule34

From github

pip install --upgrade

Want to help improve the wrapper?

Sure! Just make a pull request ^-^

If your change improves how the wrapper works, ill merge it!

I advise you dont modify .travis.yml or the function selfTest, because theyre used by travis-ci and modifying them may cause the build to fail when testing

What to do if it stops working

  1. Scream and panic at your lost porn
  2. Breathe
  3. Make an issue on github, and be as detailed as possible (screenshots and tracebacks help a lot)

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Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Rule34 API Wrapper" Project. README Source: LordOfPolls/Rule34-API-Wrapper
Open Issues
Last Commit
2 years ago

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