Rust Ipfs Versions Save

The InterPlanetary File System (IPFS), implemented in Rust.

[email protected]

3 years ago

Minor patch release which fixes #405 and adds more documentation.

[email protected]

3 years ago

Yesterday we published and tagged ipfs v0.2.0 (and ipfs-unixfs v0.2.0 and ipfs-bitswap v0.1.0) to celebrate the progress made in 2020 so far. rust-ipfs is still alpha level library but we now have quite a bit of functionality in. Here are some big ticket items introduced in the recent weeks or months:

  • reading and writing unixfs trees
  • discovering content and peers on the DHT
  • beginnings of persistence
  • build time improvements
  • improved documentation

This is a big milestone for the project. From now on we will be tracking a changelog but the API will definitely see some breaking changes in the future. Going forward we have a long way ahead of us, be sure to check out our open issues for the next steps.

This work has been funded by Equilibrium, Protocol Labs, Web3 Foundation and our Open Collective sponsors. Big thanks to all of you and to our contributors!


4 years ago

This pre-alpha release is for testing purposes only and should not be considered anything remotely close to usable. Thanks for your patience.