RxModal Save

Subscribe to your modal flows

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RxModal Icons


RxModal enforces the simple idea that a modal flow can be considered as a simple asynchroneous event:

  • the view controller is presented on subscribe
  • the user do what they want to do in the modal view
  • the view controller is dismissed on dispose and eventually emit a value or an error


Here's an example In Action
  let mailComposer = RxModal.mailComposer {
          "[email protected]"
          "Hello World!",
          isHTML: false
  let messageComposer = RxModal.messageComposer {
      $0.recipients = ["0639981337"]
      $0.body = "Hello World!"
      .flatMapFirst { [unowned contactUsButton] in
              source: .bounds(contactUsButton),
              actions: [
                      title: "Mail",
                      flatMapTo: mailComposer
                      title: "Message",
                      flatMapTo: messageComposer
                  .cancel(title: "Cancel")
      .disposed(by: disposeBag)

Supported Modals

// MFMailComposeViewController
RxModal.mailComposer() -> Single<MFMailComposeResult>

// MFMessageComposeViewController
RxModal.messageComposer() -> Single<MessageComposeResult>

// MPMediaPickerController
RxModal.mediaPicker() -> Single<MPMediaItemCollection>

// PHPickerViewController
RxModal.photoPicker() -> Single<[PHPickerResult]>

// ASWebAuthenticationSession
RxModal.webAuthenticationSession(url:callbackURLScheme:) -> Single<URL>

// UIAlertController
RxModal.alert<T>(title:message:textFields:actions:) -> Observable<T>
RxModal.actionSheet<T>(source:title:message:actions:) -> Observable<T>


All these functions also include a presenter: Presenter argument that allows you to choose where the modal will be presented. Presenters are just lazy UIViewController getters:

.viewController(_:) -> $0
.view(_:) -> $0.window?.rootViewController
.window(_:) -> $0.rootViewController 
.scene(_:) -> $0.windows.first?.rootViewController
.keyWindow -> UIApplication.shared.keyWindow?.rootViewController

Default is .keyWindow. On iPad or macCatalyst allowing multiple windows, we discourage you to use .keyWindow or .scene(_:) as it might select the wrong window.


These functions also include a configuration closure : (ViewController) -> Void that will let you configure the view controller before presentation.

If a modal requires some parameters at init time, they will be part of the RxModal function (ex: ASWebAuthenticationSession, UIAlertController).


Some RxModals perform precondition checks before presenting the modal and emit a RxModalError.unsupported if they aren't fulfilled:

  • RxModal.mailComposer()MFMailComposeViewController.canSendMail()
  • RxModal.messageComposer()MFMessageComposeViewController.canSendText()

Some RxModals perform an authorization status check before presenting the modal and either request authorization, or emit a RxModalError.authorizationStatusDenied(Any) if authorization is denied:

  • RxModal.mediaPicker()MPMediaLibrary.authorizationStatus()


RxModal.alert() and RxModal.actionSheet() allows you to define actions that are converted to a new Observable stream, a value, or an error:

DialogAction<T>.default(title:flatMapTo: Observable<T>)
DialogAction<T>.default(title:mapTo: T) // == flatMapTo: Observable.just(T)
DialogAction<T>.default(title:throw: Error) // == flatMapTo: Observable.error(Error)
DialogAction<T>.default(title:) // == flatMapTo: Observable.empty()

RxModal.alert() also let you configure alert text fields:

    title: "Sign in",
    message: "Please sign in using your credentials",
    textFields: [
        DialogTextField.email { $0.placeholder = "e-mail" },
        DialogTextField.password { $0.placeholder = "password" }
    actions: [
        .cancel(title: "Cancel"),
        .default(title: "Sign In") { textFields in
                email: textFields[0].text ?? "",
                password: textFields[1].text ?? ""

Extending RxModal

You can easily extend RxModal with your own controllers / modal flows.

If your controller is already returning its output using Rx, it's easy:

class MyModalViewController: UIViewController {
    let myResult = PublishSubject<MyResult>()
    // ...

extension RxModal {
    func myModal(
        presenter: Presenter = .keyWindow,
        configuration: @escaping (MyModalViewController) -> Void
    ) -> Single<MyResult> {
        RxModalCoordinator<MyModalViewController>.present(using: presenter) { _ in
            let modal = MyModalViewController()
            return modal
        } sequence: {

If your controller is rather using a traditional delegate approach, you'll need to subclass RxModalCoordinator:

protocol MyModalViewControllerDelegate: AnyObject {
    func myModal(_ myModal: MyModalViewController, didFinishWith result: MyResult)
    func myModal(_ myModal: MyModalViewController, didFinishWithError error: Error)

class MyModalViewController: UIViewController {
    weak var delegate: MyModalViewControllerDelegate?
    // ...

extension RxModal {
    func myModal(
        presenter: Presenter = .keyWindow,
        configuration: @escaping (MyModalViewController) -> Void
    ) -> Single<MyResult> {
        MyModalViewControllerCoordinator.present(using: presenter) { coordinator in
            let modal = MyModalViewController()
            modal.delegate = coordinator
            return modal
        } sequence: {

final class MyModalViewControllerCoordinator: RxModalCoordinator<MyModalViewController>, MyModalViewControllerDelegate {
    required init(){}
    let myResult = PublishSubject<MyResult>()
    func myModal(_ myModal: MyModalViewController, didFinishWith result: MyResult) {
    func myModal(_ myModal: MyModalViewController, didFinishWithError error: Error) {


If your controller is embedded in a non UIViewController object, you won't be able to leverage on RxModalCoordinator and you'll need to handle all the present/dismiss boilerplate. See ASWebAuthenticationSession.swift as an example.


Jérôme Alves


RxModal is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "RxModal" Project. README Source: RxSwiftCommunity/RxModal
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3 years ago

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