SebastianMestre Jasper Save

A programming language. Static types. Full type inference. Garbage collection. --- not stable

Project README
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Jasper is a scripting language inspired by Haskell, Javascript, and modern C++. Jasper can be embedded in C++ applications.

The aim of Jasper is to be:

  • Nice to use
  • Easy to refactor
  • Consistent

For this purpose, Jasper has:

  • Sum types
  • Record types
  • Type deduction
  • First class functions with closure
  • Consistent and context-free syntax
  • Syntactic sugar
  • Many others

Here is an example piece of "functional-style" code:

fn greeting(name) =>
    "Hello, "
    + (if (name == "")
        then "friend"
        else name)
    + "!";

It can also be written like this, in a more imperative style, and using some intermediate variables:

fn greeting(name) {
    if (name == "")
        name = "friend";
    prefix := "Hello, ";
    suffix := "!";
    return prefix + name + suffix;

or like this, mixing functional, and imperative style:

fn greeting(name) =>
    seq {
        if (name == "")
            return "friend";
        return name;
    |> (fn(name) => "Hello, " + name + "!")();

you can find more examples in the tests directory.

Using the interpreter

First, you have to compile it using the following command:

make interpreter

Once it is compiled, you can find the executable under bin/jasperi, and execute it following the user guide, which can be found in multiple languages in the docs directory.

NOTES: Our Makefile uses non-standard features of gnu make

Jasper is written in C++14, so you will need a C++14 compatible compiler, such as GCC 6.1 or later

Running the tests

We also have small test suite, which can be compiled with

make tests

and then run with

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "SebastianMestre Jasper" Project. README Source: SebastianMestre/Jasper
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