Selenium With Python Save

selenium with python from basic to advanced with python 3.x

Project README

Selenium WebDriver with Python 3.x :mortar_board:

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This Project has selenium webdriver with python 3.x from basic to advanced level

Topics covered:pencil:

:pencil2:Why do we need Selenium? (Though, there are many automation tools are available)
:pencil2:Selenium with Java vs. Python (pros and cons)
:pencil2:Webdriver Architecture
:pencil2:Selenium 1 V/s Selenium 2 Vs Selenium 3

Python Programming:heavy_check_mark:
:pencil2:Basic Programming in Python
:pencil2:Function & Parameters in Python
:pencil2:Python Data structures and operation
:pencil2:Control Flows
:pencil2:Python - File Operations
:pencil2:Python –Modules
:pencil2:Python – Object Oriented Programming

Python/Selenium Installations & Configurations:heavy_check_mark:
:pencil2:Installation of Python and PIP
:pencil2:Downloading and setting up Selenium
:pencil2:Installing Python IDE (PyCharm or Eclipse plug-in or PyScripter)
:pencil2:Installing Firebug -Firefox Addon for identifying Webobjects

Concepts of Selenium Webdriver in Python:heavy_check_mark:
:pencil2:Tips and tricks in identifying Webobjects
:pencil2:Automating Web applications in all supported Browsers
:pencil2:Tools used to identify the WebUI in Firefox,Chrome,IE
:pencil2:Advanced Web element access method- Contains, Sibling, Ancestor and etc.,
:pencil2:Handling Child Windows
:pencil2:Handling Frames
:pencil2:Accessing Forms in Web driver
:pencil2:Accessing Links and Table content in Web driver
:pencil2:Strategy to handle Rich Web UI using Advanced Webdriver API
:pencil2:Java Alerts and Popups Handling with Selenium
:pencil2:Data parameterization using openpyxl
:pencil2:File Upload and Download using Selenium
:pencil2:PyAutoGUI for programmatically controlling the mouse and keyboard
:pencil2:Design Patterns of Selenium

Automation Framework:heavy_check_mark:
:pencil2:Introduction to PyTest framework
:pencil2:Installing PyTest
:pencil2:PyTest Fixtures
:pencil2:Running multiple tests using PyTest
:pencil2:Introduction to PyUnit framework
:pencil2:Installing PyUnit
:pencil2:PyUnit Annotations
:pencil2:Test case creations/running
:pencil2:Framework designing methods or Page Object Model
:pencil2:Framework adaptation or Implementing POM
:pencil2:Report Generation out of Automation
:pencil2:Real time Automation and the Challenges
:pencil2:End to End Exercises for Practise!!

What Will I Learn? :book::books:

  • At the end of this course, You will get complete knowledge on Selenium Webdriver Automation with Python
  • You will be in a position to automate any Web Application over the Net using Selenium
  • You will be able to write quality code on Python to design robust Selenium Testcases
Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Selenium With Python" Project. README Source: venkywarriors/selenium_with_python
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Last Commit
3 years ago

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