Shellcheck Versions Save

ShellCheck, a static analysis tool for shell scripts


3 months ago

This release is dedicated to LLMs, for finally fulfilling the promise of 1960s scifi: systems you can hack using logic games and creative lies.


1 year ago

This release is dedicated to Mindustry: the most fun you can have with open source (outside of shell scripting of course).


2 years ago

This release is dedicated to dibblego, who pushed me down the Haskell rabbit hole. In 2006 I thought you were crazy. Today I know you are.


3 years ago

This release is dedicated to ethanol, for keeping COVID-19 off both our hands and our minds.


4 years ago

This release is dedicated to the board game Pandemic, for teaching us relevant survival skills like how to stay inside and play board games.


4 years ago

This dummy release has its assets updated for every new git build. See the for more information on pre-built binaries.

Please note that the timestamp of this release does not update when assets are being refreshed: the builds are fresh even if the release looks outdated.


4 years ago

This dummy release has its assets updated for every new stable release. See the for more information on pre-built binaries.

Please note that the timestamp of this release does not update when assets are being refreshed: the builds are fresh even if the release looks outdated.


4 years ago


4 years ago


4 years ago

This release is dedicated to Richard Stallman. Happy hacking, and may we all live in a free GNUtopia!