Silentbox Versions Save

A lightbox inspired Vue.js component.


1 year ago


  • plugin completely rewritten for Vue3 using Composition API and TypeScript
  • Vue3 always transforms width and height to numbers, thus properties thumbnailWidth and thumbnailHeight should always be a number
  • event fired when user navigates to previous image was renamed to silentbox-overlay-prev-item-displayed from silentbox-overlay-previous-item-displayed


3 years ago

In this release, overlays can be opened programatically.

Changed and added

  • Overlays can be opened programatically with global open method and via $refs
  • Events now contains payload with item information


3 years ago

This release brings support for responsive images.

Changed and added

  • added support for responsive images (thanks @ArmanNik)


4 years ago

This release brings support for touch devices and cosmetic updates.

Changed and added

  • added support for touch events (swipe left and right)
  • new animations when displayed item is changed
  • scrollbars are once again removed when overlay is opened


4 years ago

This release brings minor improvements and bug fixes.

Changed and added

  • added back support for custom activators
  • thumbnails maintain correct aspect ratio
  • various issues with Vimeo and YouTube were fixed


4 years ago

First full release of the lightweight lightbox inspired component for Vue.js, SilentBox.

Changed and added

  • There is only one component that rules them all silent-box instead of previously used silentbox-gallery and silentbox-single.
  • Added support for local video files.
  • Added various events that SilentBox emits when user interacts with images.


  • silentbox-single, silentbox-gallery components