SimcoeCountyWebViewer Versions Save

Web Map Viewer built with React and OpenLayers. Built for GeoServer and ArcGIS Server.


1 month ago

What's Changed

Full Changelog:

What's Changed

Full Changelog:


2 years ago

What's Changed

Full Changelog:


2 years ago
  • added global opacity slider to toc settings menu

    • fixed bug preventing default layer visibility from being applied
  • added keyword check for VISIBLE_LAYERS=ALL
  • fixed bug in addlayer tool preventing default server url from changing with selection

  • added defaultTheme and defaultTool to mapSettings handler

  • removed unnecessary emit from default tools and themes in map settings api parsing

  • added toc loader for ersi rest service

    • added ability to load arcgis or geoserver content in map config
  • added ARCGIS_SERVICE url parameter
  • added case sensitive flag to url parameter parsing
    • added ability to identify on ImageArcGISRest layers
  • added title case splitting/formatting to identify field names
  • refined parsing of property names in identify

  • fixed bug preventing worldImagery from loading

  • set min resolution on world imagery

    • moved identify feature to common location
  • added regex checking for excluded feature fields
  • removed minResolution for world imagery

  • added react router and legend app

  • brought back makeGroup function in TOCHelpers

  • Added all layers group

    • integrated stand alone legend app to webmap project
  • added react router
  • added ShowWindow component to display components similar to showUrlWindow
  • updated handling of ArcGIS metadata url

  • changed how default group is selected and loaded

  • added all layers code from dev branch

  • resolved issues with arcgis and the new dynamic all layers group

  • removed duplicate code from merge

  • fixed bug loading group with no layers and moved group parsing into function

  • fixed issue with loading saved layers in default group

  • switched duplicate layer/group checking to use tocName instead of layer name

  • cleaned up layer loading sequence

  • fixed bug in basemap imagery slider layer visibility

  • added generic TableDisplay component to helpers

    • updated legend component to handle secure layers
  • moved get image functions from TOC helpers to generic helpers
  • fixed bug when caused by empty savedLayer object

  • fixed bug causing crash when added layer is removed from all layers

  • added support for secured layers

  • added window.loaded and helpers to support waiting for components to load, replaced several event listeners for map, toc, and sidebar loading

  • integrated layerInfo app into web viewer

  • added secureKey parameter check to live layer

  • added window.config and helpers to manage global settings

  • merged toc loading from TOCConfig into main config

  • -added parsing for zoom and center from api -prevented geoserver load from overriding api center and zoom

  • improved readability of zoom and center parsing from api

  • removed unneccessary call on unmount

    • fixed bug in adding WMTS layers
  • added helper to get and regiter proj4 from
  • switched default WMTS url in add data tool to
  • override saved user extent when loading from mapId

  • commented out console log in waitForLoad helper

  • applied prettier code formatting

  • fixed merge conflicts

  • removed references to TOCConfig

  • code layout change

    • converted usage of mainConfig to window.config
  • added waitForLoad to usage of window.config
  • added array object merge to handle sidebar component config from api
  • removed testing value from print config

  • added map id to feedback url

  • added handling for viewer mode to config helper

  • added municipality to search

  • added printLogo handling to printRequest

  • fixed styling issue in window popup header

    • added try close before showMessage to cleanup any open messages before displaying the next
  • removed arcgis layers with sublayers
  • switched getCapabilities helper to use options object
  • added ability to hide sidebar tabs

    • fixed several listener issues cause by waitForLoad
  • fixed center coords parsing issue
  • fixed loading of toc type from settings api
    • added ability to set layer visibility through settings
  • added ability to collapse featured property through settings
  • removed best start logo and updated the url for 211 theme popup

  • added case sensitivity to search url parameters

  • added length constraint to date format

    • added XYZ default to add layers tool
  • updated validate layer in add layer tool to exclude xyz layer
  • removed unnecessary import on TwoOneOne theme
    • added showTerms on load
  • added terms popup on map load
  • switched terms popup on startup to show don't show again option

  • updated config with a valid local toc config

  • switched default group of local config

  • updated default group of local config

  • added handling for GROUP url parameter

  • print tool - added handling for dot and dashed lines

  • applied code formatting changes

    • added ability to show coordinates for MyMaps items
  • added ability to export MyMaps items
  • fixed bug in getting map id from url parameters
  • switched showWindow helper to accept an options object
  • switched getDefaultGroup to compare with group label rather than value

  • switched feature zoom on search to variable based on the size of the feature.

  • added ability to export drawing to multiple formats

  • removed "Cancel" from drawType lookup

  • changed SR compare to uppercase

  • added check for items prior to saving MyMaps

  • added warning message option for layers and re-enabled disclaimer message option

  • hide export option in my map for items that are not open data

  • updated community services theme logo

  • fixed issue with arcgis layers showing disclaimer message

  • update documentation for GROUP url parameter


3 years ago

Out of beta and creating our first official release. Check out our What's New page!