Slp Token Icons Save

Hosted SLP token icons

Project README

SLP Token Icons

A hosted repository of all known SLP token icons. All tokens added here will be served via a censorship resistant endpoint located at

Adding your icon

Create a version of your icon (must be a PNG) in 32x32, 64x64, 128x128 and "original" (more than or equal to 128x128) and add them to their respective folders in a pull request. If you have a SVG file, feel free to add that too (though SVG's will not be served from the endpoint).

Easy way to upload icon

You can use to upload your original square logo image and it will create the necessary sizes and push it to the repo without having to do it manually

Have a NFT icon?

Since a lot of NFT Groups have too many children, they will have to run their own icon repositories. Contact the creators of to get your NFT icon added to all NFT-supported services.

Endpoint Usage

The endpoint will automatically resize and losslessly optimize the photos it serves.

Your icon will be available from {size} / {txid} . {format}

  • {size} can be any number from 1-1700 (or "original" for the biggest version available)

  • {txid} is the transaction id of the token genesis transaction (aka token id)

  • {format} can be png, jpg, tiff or webp (endpoint will properly convert from png)


Services using slp-token-icons, Pokket.Cash, and many others.

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Slp Token Icons" Project. README Source: kosinusbch/slp-token-icons
Open Issues
Last Commit
10 months ago

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