Smart Inspector Versions Save

Fluent re-take on Unity Inspector UX. Packed with QoL improvements.


2 years ago

Fix build error (#19)


2 years ago

Full Changelog: #9

Preferences Window!

Edit > Preferences... > Open Labs > Smart Inspector

  • Disable plugin or individual patches
  • Hide "Script" fields
  • Hide header buttons
  • IMGUI Culling - skips GUI for performance!
  • Compact Prefab Inspector!
  • Compact Scrollbar
  • Smooth Scrolling
  • Hide Addressable, Convert To Entity
  • Hide Asset Labels, Asset Bundle

Fluent UITK

  • API changes, move into AV.UITK namespace
  • Will be moved into separate package soon and used as a dependency (!)
  • New Controls
  • Better Styling
  • More Callbacks
  • Binding Utils

And some important bug fixes...


3 years ago
  • User Elements Injection API
  • Fluent UITK API + Assets Utils
  • Instant and reliable injection, 1-to-1 with vanilla
  • Setup in-one-place
  • Complete codebase cleanup
  • Fixed all injection and setup related bugs

Sponsor Request: Basic [ReadOnly] drawer for @Den999


3 years ago


  • Tabs Tooltip!
  • Unity 2019.4 - 2021.2 support!
  • Light theme support


  • Fix errors with UnityEvents and null StyleSheets
  • Fix toolbar rebuild error
  • Fix empty prefab tab


3 years ago
  • Improved components dragging
  • Rebuild toolbar on components list change
  • Fix components glitching on reordering
  • Removed bottom margin on collapsed materials


3 years ago
  • Tabs Bar / Tabbed Inspector (first version)
  • UnityEvents compact drawer (v1.0)