SmartSystemMenu Versions Save

SmartSystemMenu extends system menu of all windows in the system


1 month ago

Fixed 1024 character limit for "Clipboard | Copy Window Title" menu item

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1 month ago
  • Refactoring and optimizations
  • Italian translation improvements
  • New menu item "Hide" (To restore a window use "System Tray | Restore | Hide" menu item)

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10 months ago
  • Simplified Chinese translation improvements
  • Added the ability to insert menu items on WM_INITMENUPOPUP event for firefox using the settings in the SmartSystemMenu.xml file.

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10 months ago

Added the ability to insert menu items on WM_INITMENUPOPUP event for discord, chrome, terminal and other applications.

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11 months ago

Issues #109 Replaced RegisterWindowMessage function calls with WM_APP messages New menu item "Dimmer"

  • Dims all but the current window
  • Adjust transparency and color from the settings dialog


1 year ago

Added new menu items:

  • Click Through
  • Clipboard | Copy Screenshot

Added a new systemtray menu item:

  • Restore (for restoring transparency and click through menu items)

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1 year ago

Issues #99 Added a new menu item "Buttons" with sub items:

  • Disable "Minimize" Button
  • Disable "Maximize" Button
  • Disable "Close" Button

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1 year ago

Issues #92 Fixed an error when saving menu items Issues #95 Fixed an error when working in CLI mode Issues #90 Partially fixed an error (requires code signing)

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2 years ago
  • French translation
  • Hungarian translation
  • Korean translation improvements

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2 years ago
  • New menu item "Hide For Alt+Tab"
  • Refactoring and bug fixes

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